To my overly sensitive classmate, you made this term hell for myself and for some of our classmates. Your obsessive political correctness and chastising people was whack. It only takes a white female like yourself (who’s pronouns change on the daily) to have the gall to tell people of color, that they should consider using different words when giving a description of their own people, because it make you feel “uncomfortable” when they described their mother as having beautiful “dark mocha” skin. You told a person of color that their use of words made you (the white girl) uncomfortable and to consider changing it. Thank God we had a classmate that told you off to defend a woman of color against your histrionic sensitivity. You went off on a classmate who experienced a time in a psychiatric unit and drew a parallel to their life with a character in a film, for using the word “batshit crazy” to describe the film character and that moment his life. Why anyone should personally consider YOU when writing for a class is the utmost in bullshit. People are writing about their experiences. I had to sit through a class with you for months, where you couldn’t put together a sentence without using the word “like” as every other word, like some valley girl from Pasadena in 1980. Get over yourself. The written word is powerful, and there are opinions and works out there that counter your sensitive bubble you decided to live in. If you don’t listen and accept other world views (and no, you do NOT have to agree with them, that’s the beauty of life) opinions, or cultural descriptions by people who aren’t you, and white, then I really worry about how you’re going to function in life. Get a grip.