All of these hot button topics, all of them. Are set up on purpose to distract us from the one issue that has the potential to actually shift the power dynamic in this country. The electoral college. We change that, and everything changes. It’s the only cause worth fighting for because at this particular point, things are so fucked that we don’t have time to waste fighting for causes that don’t have huge, broad, foundation shaking consequences. Stop being emotionally manipulated and wake up to this simple truth. There is hope, they just don’t want you to see it. Can we not just get it together in the name of logic? Please? Racial justice matters. Reproductive rights matter. But the electoral college needs to die before anything else. This is the only cause that will open up the playing field to something other than a 2 party system. Our system of government needs to change. This is the only cause I’m willing to fight for anymore.