I, Anonymous Jul 13, 2022 at 10:15 am



Well, to the first of your many well thought questions, because it's the only one with which I've personal experience...having been used as a doormat for my wealthy white sociopath neighbor.

No, wealthy white people can do pretty much whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want, as long as that person isn't. Wealthy and white.

With a caveat; if their victim is white but less wealthy and unable to fake the appearance of greater wealth then they, the victim, lose all perks associated with their whiteness.

Because wealthy white folk see everyone not in their financial circle as, well, trash. And they don't see black or brown at all, regardless of wealth.

Now if you ask whether wealthy white people feel inferior while in the presence of wealthier white people, I will offer that they do not. Because wealthy white people are great liars, especially where money is concerned. So, while in the presence of other white people, it's all about showmanship. If you can sneak into the MAC club and make to the bar (used to be called The Men's Grill, but that changed. Who said the MAC club wasn't progressive), you will see an excellent example of strutting and preening and self puffery.

It's terribly stressful, watching these captains of industry struggling to hold their stomachs in while puffing their chests out, all merely to impress each other. Trying to contain one's laughter at the spectacle such that one isn't discovered is rather difficult. Unless one is not white. In that case one is invisible and needn't worry. The wealthy white peacocks might hear a sound, but will never see where it came from.

Membership has it's priviledges.


and finally
yes we've



other than
the swollen goods
suitable for the Oregonian

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