I have faith in our generation. Beyond the advantage of the internet, there is plenty of evidence of how we are a more conscious and aware generation when compared to our parents and their parents. The more we learn, the more I am ashamed. It's clear that it wasn't our parents working hard that helped them provide for their families and give some of us a leg up over others. It was their willingness to stay silent and look the other way while their neighbors suffered. It was their willingness to participate in an unequal system to the detriment of their community and even their family sometimes. I am so tired of having to clean up the prior generations' messes. Baby Boomers have held on to power longer than any other generation in known history. And they've done such a terrible job at it. They aren't even acting in their self-interest, just their selfish interest. Thanks to their failures and how easily they became distracted and complicit, we now have to fight to regain lost ground on so many issues. And we have to start thinking about how we avoid the same fate and prevent future generations from corrupting and corroding our world to the same selfish ends as the boomers.