I, Anonymous Sep 24, 2022 at 12:57 pm



Of course it's about the homeless. Meanwhile disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women, and anyone who might need to sit down are SOL. Removing benches does not end homelessness. Moving homeless camps does not end homelessness. It's amazing how much time, money, and energy are wasted in every corner of the country to get rid of the homeless people, when all we have to do to end homelessness is house them. Make sure everyone in this country has a place to live. Make sure everyone who works can afford a place to live. The solution is literally SO SIMPLE and yet this country will not do it. It will refuse to do it until the end of time. The only thing America is exceptional at is making people suffer as much as possible, by an and all means necessary.


You say that, but it isn't. You say house them? How do you do that? Who pays for it? Where? Next to your house? Or Mine? This country offers you the opportunity for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not guarantee any of these things. That said we need to do a better job of creating opportunities that people can use to better themselves. First step? Addiction. It is unacceptable to ignore what addiction is doing to this country. Repeal Measure 110.


@1, Both South & North Park blocks original seating is in place, few or none around there have been removed. Waterfront Park most original seating is in place, though many are damaged. Every reader thanks you, tina, for your compassion about the better times lost since Hizzoner came to town riding Droolius Geezer's coattails. Adams also has no spine and failed to help Albina folk in his time.
@2, Mark Lakeman's 100-person homeless encampment- ALL Facilities. A mix of tent & tiny home settings, groomed walkways, shade trees, raised garden rows, water/sewer, shower, lockers. Kitchen, Dining. The Lakeman design is from a decade ago. Still the best model for investment. Multi-million dollar "institutional" settings most homeless will avoid.
@1, Waterfront Park "Riverwall Walkway" could add maybe 5' of cement strip and brick walkway its entire length. Bike, trike, wheelchair on the lawn side. Old and New seating relocated further into the lawn with brick walks. Now for the bad news: The much touted "green loop" will clear trees in both North & South Park Blocks for bikeway. Couldn't just remove a row of parking? "Noooo, Gotta park cars on both sides narrow street. Gotta cut trees down for dumbass bikeway. Have you seen the North Park Block extension idea? It's nothing to be proud of. Simpler, safer bikeway ramps to Broadway Bridge designs ignored. The proposal is for a "treeless football field" stretching from Hoyt to Johnson. The proposed street network predicts severe traffic obstructions.


By "traffic obstructions" I mean, Bumper to bumper and worse hazards for motorists and pedestrians. ZGF is the arkytech gang of goons, fresh graduates from Silicon Valley skools
what think they knows gooder from worser. ODOT's Rose Quarter design should be rejected.
Metro Lynn Peterson is no expert civil engineer to trust. Not after her botched CRC clown show.


Every single place in the United States that has successfully tackled homelessness and is doing as much as they can to eradicated it completely HAS HOUSED THE HOMELESS. Endless questions about how to get it done are counterproductive. Want to know how it gets done? Look up the communities in this country that have done it. I mean, if Houston, TX can do it, you can surely find the information on the internet.

This country spends $2 BILLION A DAY on the military industrial complex alone (with no ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIRED FOR HOW THAT $2 BILLION A DAY IS SPENT).

If you believe this country can't afford to house every single person, feed every single person, provide health care to every single person, educate every single person, and pay living wages to every single person that is in this country at any given minute, well then there really is no convincing you of anything.


well said as
per Always xina

our Billionaires
are GOOD
at Brain-

but whatevertherFUCK
you DO do
NOT Look

like the Movie!

say isn't that
a Meteorite


Sorry, but giving everyone everything won’t work. Hopefully you haven’t raised any kids. I taught mine to stay off drugs and go to school then go to work. I taught them respect, politeness and kindness.
Create opportunity for everyone. Everything else ends up in a dumpster.


but giving
everyone every-
thing won’t work."

nor does
THREE People
owning more Wealth
in the United States than
ONE HALF the Citizenry. it's
a little Lop-Sided, don'tchya Think?

for the Wealthy &
Rugged Individualism
for the "bottom" 90 percent.

you can only
Shite on the
Citizenry for
So long.


I get and agree with your point. However you know I’m right too. Maybe it starts by raising our kids to be more self sufficient and less entitled? The very rich and very poor have always existed. I find it more rewarding to seek opportunities through service than complaining about why everyone has it better than me.


@9, I too am a smithy who found my sense of self-esteem at full-time carpentry 1980-92.
Our motto "Anything worth doing is worth doing well" still serving Pacific Northwesterners today.
Mine and our generation had it easier than today's generations given monikers like 'X' or Millenial as nowhere near as 1960's prediction according to Jetsen. George Jetson's job was arriving first on the sprocket factory office to push the "ON" button. The rest of the day he sprawled feet atop his desk and drawled euphemisms.


I want a breakdown on my taxes. I want to know exactly how much of my hard earned money is paying for the military, for the 5 star meals and limos for the politicians who are supposed to work for US. Because I want my taxes going towards low income housing and harm reduction.


@9 -- specifically
you were right
about what?


Boomers had it GREAT.

gradate High School
get a Well-paying job
a Home Wife* Kids Vaca-
tions a little fishing Cabin

and with a Part-time job you
could Afford to go to College
and have ZERO student debt.

just TRY to
Imagine That!

we had it SO fucking Easy
compared to Post-
Boomer Gener-

Leave it to Fucking Beaver:

that 'fantasy'
was fucking
R E A L.

'till 'Republicans'
Commoditized the
Citizenry for the Pro
Fiteers & so now HERE

we fuck-
ing ARE &
welcome to
'Republican' Utopia:

the Fourth fucking Reich.

so Get
to WERK!


Try Everything again and again though you fail...
Try Everything. Try everything...

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