I'm fricking lost walking on a windy neighborhood street near Oleson and Schols Ferry trying to find Allen in Beaverton. I did what Google maps told me. Turn left on Allen, coming to find later, I was supposed to go right on Allen. Google maps you're amazing but fuck you. Its daylight, but raining and I'm trying to get to work. I'm already stressed because I know I'm not where I'm supposed to be. My anxiety is faster than the cars buzzing by because there are no sidewalks on either side of the street. What do you want from me you fucking honk fuck? What the fuck do you want me to do? I'm trying to get to a major landmark to get directions as my phone is WIFI only. I turn down the wrong street and I could end up more lost. Blah. I could get hit. Yea, like I'm doing this on purpose you dumbass. Lord knows if I wave someone down for help that will get nowhere especially in this day of houseless, murderers, thieves, and suspicious people. Why couldn't you just swerve a little to the side to avoid me more like many other cars did? Not you. You fucking honk fuck. Fucking fuck you for making me more nervous. You wanna know something, I spent an hour and a half walking in rain to get to work. Fuck you.