I'm sure science can settle that one for us in a decade or two. Regardless of the exact cause, we've identified plenty of areas where more caution and respect can be exercised. We've all shared grief from the virus, we've all made mistakes with it, we've all shared a struggle, we've all experienced anxiety and fear from it, we've all experienced how communities can redefine themselves in the face of adversity. We've learned (the hard way) that the difficulties experienced by our Chinese relatives are the same as those experienced by our Florida relatives, or our Ukrainian relatives, or our Nigerian Relatives, or our European relatives and so on and so forth... That lesson isn't going away anytime soon, the question is what do we want to build with this knowledge.
I'm sure science can settle that one for us in a decade or two. Regardless of the exact cause, we've identified plenty of areas where more caution and respect can be exercised. We've all shared grief from the virus, we've all made mistakes with it, we've all shared a struggle, we've all experienced anxiety and fear from it, we've all experienced how communities can redefine themselves in the face of adversity. We've learned (the hard way) that the difficulties experienced by our Chinese relatives are the same as those experienced by our Florida relatives, or our Ukrainian relatives, or our Nigerian Relatives, or our European relatives and so on and so forth... That lesson isn't going away anytime soon, the question is what do we want to build with this knowledge.