I, Anonymous Apr 29, 2023 at 6:22 am



I'm nearly 80* &
when they Card me
it's an Honor & I always
tell them it's Fake but they
Never believe me. & so it goes

*plus or minus
a decade


*for Weed.



What bar you ask?
Simple, those that don't cater bikers or horny subliterates. Which sounds like it leaves yours out of the running.


To r, just r
Then whatever bar you are going to is in violation... Everyone who goes to a bar/club/strip joint must have an ID... It is a law... Regardless of how old you are. Security/door people don't give two fucks about who you are or that you're 50 and look 65! They care that you can be identified in the event of an emergency... So if you get pissed, think about your family and friends who could be freaked out when you don't come home that night because you are unidentified in the morgue or ICU...


To r, just r
Then whatever bar you are going to is in violation... Everyone who goes to a bar/club/strip joint must have an ID... It is a law... Regardless of how old you are. Security/door people don't give two fucks about who you are or that you're 50 and look 65! They care that you can be identified in the event of an emergency... So if you get pissed, think about your family and friends who could be freaked out when you don't come home that night because you are unidentified in the morgue or ICU...

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