that's a Big Fat Bingo on xina.
she brightens Every Room
'Then there's the wanna be poet who tries so hard to make the format of their comment as if it is creative and something revolutionary. But sorry, you aren't.'
well That's Good to Know.* thnx!
*you've Cured me!
Says the person posting in I, Anonymous. LOL.
Was that supposed to hurt my feelings?
Damn, I don't think this is about me and I feel left out.
@xina -- I interpreted it as high praise for you tho I suspect I, A may be Under some kinda mind-altering substances
perhaps they might even Show Up - right Here in Person!
wouldn't That be a Gas.
@3 -- don't try to Weasel outta this Now you're in it up to your Neck
[is that Helpful?]
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a Big Fat
Bingo on xina.
she brightens
Every Room
there's the
wanna be poet
who tries so hard
to make the format
of their comment as if
it is creative and something
revolutionary. But sorry, you aren't.'
Good to
Know.* thnx!
*you've Cured me!
Says the person posting in I, Anonymous. LOL.
Was that supposed to hurt my feelings?
Damn, I don't think this is about me and I feel left out.
@xina -- I interpreted it as
high praise for you tho I
suspect I, A may be
Under some kinda
perhaps they
might even Show
Up - right Here in Person!
That be
a Gas.
@3 -- don't try to
Weasel outta this Now
you're in it up to your Neck
[is that