In an opposition-be-damned vote of 4-3, Portland school board opened the door for JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) programs in our high schools. Whoopee, another victory for recruitment and indoctrination. School member Patte Sullivan, in the minority on this proposal, indicated that public comments were whoppingly 200 to 1 opposed. Likewise, the student board member (and non-voter) Frankie Silverstein reported that the feedback from her young peers was overwhelmingly negative. Michelle DePass & Andrew Scott also opposed it. Herman Greene, the chief JROTC supporter, let loose an insulting diatribe, to a crowd heavy with JROTC opponents (holding yellow “NO ROTC” placards), accusing us of bias and “fear of change.” Chair Gary Hollands gave his family’s military background as his reason for support. Julie Brim-Edwards, running for county commissioner, said her college ROTC experience was fine, and no strings were attached. Edward Wang waffled, and seemed to vote “yes” in a go-along-to-get-along way. (He is an endorser of Brim-Edwards’ campaign.) These 3 leading supporters gave false assurances (not believed by OPB/NPR news) that the Department of Defense curriculum would bend to PPS academic guidelines, minimized the impact of military-like orientation on 14 year-olds, and didn’t seem worried about unknown costs. After the vote was taken, a loud chant of “Stop the U.S. war machine” erupted. The chair and the board then fled the public, who they had ignored anyway, to continue their meeting elsewhere., JROTC at 2:26