

Our government at all levels does not care one little bit what the Americans people want or actually need. Hell, Republicans want to kill Social Security and Medicare, despite overwhelming public support for both programs. In this particular case, the Defense Department (formerly known more appropriately known as the Department of War) needs fodder for the war mill. Recruitment must be down. So, we propagandize our youth to favor war.


I get it. The military industrial complex has an awful history driven by greed, power and profit. That said, I have total respect for the kid who signs up to serve his/her country. I think it's very important to direct anger in the appropriate direction.
Personally, I think there should be compulsory service that even the rich and entitled could not avoid. If Barron and people like him, had to serve along me, and people like me, there would be far fewer wars and a whole lot less killing.

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