Looks like this is the only hope because they are too stupid or don't care to see the writing on the wall. Stick with a poor, frail dementia patient as the only thing standing between us and a christian fascist dictatorship, or run someone who can speak words and win. They are sticking with Weekend at Biden's. We're fucked.
Wait till trumps turns your a$$ inside out. This isn't funny.
bravo I, A* but perish
the Perish & merely
Vamoose meester
presidente & so
Do us All a Big
Por Favor:
there's an
needin' Defeatin'.
*or perhaps
Looks like this is the only hope because they are too stupid or don't care to see the writing on the wall. Stick with a poor, frail dementia patient as the only thing standing between us and a christian fascist dictatorship, or run someone who can speak words and win. They are sticking with Weekend at Biden's. We're fucked.
"Looks like this is
the only hope because
they* are too stupid or don't
care to see the writing on the wall."
βIt is difficult
to get a man* to
understand something,
when his salary depends
on his not understanding it.β
--@Upton Sinclair
*the "Democratic"
National Committee
at your Service, America