The smart money is on Trump to beat Biden in November. How can a buffoon like Trump beat anyone? Yes, Biden is old and not as sharp as he once was. But given the team around him, he would do better than Trump even if he were completely addled. Trump’s presidency was a disaster. He grossly mishandled the economy, adding an enormous amount to the deficit. He botched the response to the pandemic, leading to hundreds of thousands of needless American deaths. He lied incessantly, even about petty issues, and promoted his self-interest over that of the country. He was and is a hateful bigot whose only interest in life is to secure whatever he desires in the moment. And his plainly stated yearning is to rule as an autocrat in a one-party fascist state. Trump was impeached twice in just four years. He has been indicted four times, garnering over ninety felony charges. He has been convicted on thirty-four felony counts. He is also a failed businessman, having had multiple bankruptcies, and having been sued thousands of times for breaches of contracts. The man is the very caricature of a reality TV huckster, with his ridiculous combover and bronze facial makeup. To make matters worse, he is an adulterer on a massive scale, misogynist, and racist. But the capstone is his attempt to overthrow a duly elected federal government. On the other hand, Biden and his administration stimulated the economy, improved its infrastructure, reduced inflation, reduced the unemployment rate while adding millions of new jobs, invested in green energy, lowered prescription drug costs, provided benefits to veterans, and all but eliminated the chaos that was emblematic of the former administration. So why is Trump the odds-on favorite to win? Americans are stupid.