On the note you gave me you signed off as "Stacy". I was the woman crying at gate C7 at PDX on 7/29. My husband killed himself a month ago. We loved and cared for each other greatly, but he could no longer fight against his depression. I was attempting to board a flight that my friend kindly bought me a ticket for to visit her and her family in LA. When I got to the airport, I realized I wasn't ready to come back to an empty house yet. The idea my husband wouldn't be here to pick me up when I returned broke me. How lovely you are to give someone that is suffering a box of chocolates and a kind note to let them know you see their pain. It made me cry harder, but only because it made me realize I wasn't ok and trying to pretend was only making things worse. I need to sit with this pain, as excruciating as it is. So I came home and it was the right thing to do, to be in our home where I feel him and feel all the love and loss. Thank you Stacy. Please know how much you moved me.