

Somebody out there knows this guy. Please turn him in. It's likely to late for that dog because he probably dumped it, dead, to avoid detection. What a sick sad fuck. Please, if you know him, report him. If ever a guy deserved a police beating, it's this guy.


of Po-pos
happy as fuck
to give a good
beatdown cuz one
good one deserves another

so it


They got you. I hope they beat you like you beat that dog.


you do, Pee.


Do not plead him out. You have the vid. The dirtbag likely killed the dog. Don't worry about getting a conviction. Portland citizens will line up to be on the jury.


I am happy they got him.

He'll likely get more prison time than if he raped someone, beat a human being nearly to death or even killed a person.

I wish people in this country got as outraged by the murder of Black human beings by cops and other white supremacists as they are by dogs being beaten to death.

The hate filled woman in Florida who shot a Black woman, a mother, through her door because she hated her and her children - all she got was convicted of manslaughter, when it was straight up MURDER - and that of course is just one of the latest murders, there are literally numerous incidents EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Human beings truly don't deserve to exist anymore.


I can think of one person who doesn’t deserve to exist anymore. For his own safety I hope he does a long stretch. He’s much safer behind bars. Enjoy prison you sick fuck.


Chris...our dog abusing dirtbag is likely to progress to treating vulnerable people just like he treated that dog if he hasn't already. A lot of data supports that notion and one of the reasons he was a high priority catch. This dude is a sick physcho and should be treated as such.

So glad we fired Mike. Nathan, dont let this puke out.

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