I, Anonymous Aug 25, 2024 at 7:55 pm



How about just being nice to people?


The cops in this country are allowed to murder Black people. The summer of 2020 people protested for months WORLDWIDE. Biden made a lot of promises, using those promises and his Black (mixed race) VP choice to get elected. Then the Biden Administration did nothing. Nothing happened in Congress. Voting rights were gutted. Women's human rights were gutted. All legislation created to pretend this country gave a shit about the insurmountable gap of opportunity and wealth between "white" and "non-white" in this country were all gutted.

This country wants to hold onto its white supremacist terrorism and "Christian" nationalism.

It's why the Obamas were vilified and dehumanized for their 8 years in the WH, despite being one of the best Presidents/Administrations ever. It's why Trump was elected. It's why white men in this country have doubled down on dehumanizing women (letting them die instead of giving them medical care, in this the so-called greatest country on earth). It's why children are being used in dangerous labor forces (like meat packing) - THEY CAN'T VOTE. It's why it costs hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars to get elected to any position in any area of the government in this country (where those who do get put in power do not do anything for the people they are supposed to represent).

What is happening in Palestine is related to Black Lives Matter and South African apartheid and the dehumanization and degradation of human life to justify slaughter of (insert whoever they want to slaughter on any given day because they have something someone else wants) and nothing will change, no matter who is in charge. There is not just a genocide happening in Palestine. There is a genocide happening in Sudan. There is a genocide happening in Congo. There is a war still going on in Ukraine because the world refuses to stop Putin the psychopath.

The United States, founded on genocide, whose wealth was created on the labor of enslaved people and continues through the exploitation of immigrants and low paid labor will never evolve. It will simply keep on going back to what it knows (and the world, including South Africa, the Nazis and the Israelis) have and will continue to use this country as the template for how they want to run their countries or genocides.

The fact that Americans are not outraged by HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of American taxpayer dollars having been given to Israel is truly astonishing. All of the poor MAGAts who hate everyone and think Donald Trump is an alpha male, you would think they would care that all of that money is just given away, while they live in squalor, can't feed, house, educate, or provide health care to themselves or their families. But, nah. As long as people without "white" skin are being slaughtered somewhere by someone, they're happy.

No recognition of the humanity of the global majority makes the "white" people happy. And the violence of white supremacist terrorism is so vicious and terrifying on every level, because those "white" people know that if the global majority ever woke up and turned on them, they would be wiped off the face of the earth.

Instead the wealthy and "white" will just slaughter everyone to take all of the resources they want until there is nothing left. They'll be the last ones to die, because they will not escape the damage done to the planet, but that's of little consolation given what they have done and will continue to do until that day comes.

Women are not livestock existing solely to serve men and breed like livestock.
Black Lives Matter.
It's FREE PALESTINE until Palestine is free.

An American soldier set himself on fire to protest the genocide in Palestine and the world does nothing. Black people in this country are murdered by cops and other white people who hate them every single day and this country does nothing. Women (and girls, children) are abused and raped every single day in this country AND WORLDWIDE and this country and the world does nothing. Look at what is happening in India right now. A doctor is raped and murdered and people are protesting in the streets and India shrugs and the world does nothing.

Human beings are not capable of treating each other with decency and humanity. Thousands of years of existence have proven it. The only hope for humanity is its extinction event - which, ironically, the wealthy and "white" are bringing on faster than we ever could have imagined.


Much of what you post is true. However, human beings are capable of treating each other with decency and humanity. It's up to each of us to do the best we can. The search for meaning is both fascinating, and terrifying. Don't give up.


Hellova rant

"The only hope for humanity is its extinction event - which, ironically, the wealthy and 'white' are bringing on faster than we ever could have imagined."

we might
edit Out the
Dominance of
our reptilan brainstem

and recognized Greed
as an insidioulsy & insatiably
destructive force enabling our Extinction.

cannot Afford
a Healthy Planet

We Can
them Billionaires.

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