I, Anonymous Aug 31, 2024 at 8:31 pm



Portland Water. The spawn of Satan. Think about your last bill. Think they read the meter each billing cycle? Think again. Some months they make it up. My advice, set a trail cam near your water meter. Catch them at it, then get a lawyer.


Portland Water presents an interesting view into Portland politics. Of course no one forgets their bill padding for other city projects (no refunds to rate payers) or their new multi-million dollar office building with all kinds of cush amenities. But it gets so much better...

Portland voters gave Portland Public Schools boat loads of money to perform badly needed maintenance. Instead the money went into "other stuff" (look at the compensation the past and current superintendents receive(d) and that of their appointees) and our kids got leaded drinking water.

Now this is easily corrected by doing the necessary maintenance which we'd already allocated money for but instead PPS begged the city to "buffer" the water supply so that its natural acidity, which incidentally was the reason for our water's former rating as among the best tasting water in the country, wouldn't leach lead out of old plumbing.

Thus Portland started dumping shit into the water supply. They started with Sodium Hydroxide, then Calcium Cabonate, and now they claim they use "Soda Ash" and Carbon dioxide. They hold this out as their "looking out for the people" yet, have you noticed that you can't find fried rice or baguette that tastes like it did before this change? Or how you just can't get your drinking glasses clean?

Yeah, it's the shit Portland puts in the water to change the pH.

As for "looking out for the people"...? Bullshit. Case in point: What is the response from the city every time one of their water mains breaks and floods a few houses? They tell the owners/residents to piss up a rope as far as any responsibility for fixing the damage is concerned. If Portland were truly looking out for the people, a program to assist in replacing old problem plumbing for those unable to meet that expense would have been instituted long ago (problem solved).

Portland Water is just another example of political types scratching one another's back. Think about it the next time you try to clean your shower door.

We pay some of the highest water rates in the country for water that regularly fails EPA Water Quality mandates, is not filtered for cryptosporidium (another EPA mandate), and has been subject to multiple "boil water" notices over the last 20 years. So when I say there's shit in the water, it is not an exaggeration.

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