It'll probably look like this post I'm making right now; and it will probably describe something of a similar nature. Like how a minute ago I was stepping into a crosswalk immediately after a car passes by, and then suddenly the car behind it accelerates, cutting off all the other vehicles in the intersection (who had the right of way) and SLAMS on it's breaks once she finally sees me. I'm about a quarter of the way through the crosswalk at this point and I can see her waving at me to continue on through her windshield. My instincts tell me to step back, but I feel reassured that she at least smiled at me, so I continue on. I take about three steps, barely halfway across, when she floors it again, her front fender almost grazes the back of my left knee and she speeds off. Now I'm feeling angry cause it triggered a sensation in me like someone just tried to run me over and luckily failed. As I step onto the sidewalk a girl slowly passes by my on a bicycle, "That was fucked up" she says. I must say I agree. Thank you pretty girl on a bike. At least you understand.