I, Anonymous Jan 1, 2025 at 5:07 pm



Well I could tell you what I'm thinking


But it never seems to do you good


I'm going to read between the lines here and guess what you're talking about.

I feel that jury nullification is a critical component of the executive branch because the wings of government will always be corruptible by those whose gender, social standing, or wealth tips the balance of power.

If I read you wrong, then I ask what you meant by "take your life". If it's the technical definition of death, then vigilante justice to murderers would [probably] mostly be mehed away. My reasoning is by seeing how news of school shootings are discarded after each news cycle. If "taking your life" is the progressive definition of taking your time in incarceration, then things get very interesting. Imagine a world where the cops can only track down perpetrators, and judges can only verify if a perpetrator most likely carried out the crime. In that world, any justice is a jury, where the jury is also the literal executioner. This is where my assumption about jury nullification comes from. What's the difference between a jury figuratively killing versus street vigilante justice? Although, I got to say that a TV show like "Cops" named "Street Vigilante Justice" will probably do very well for itself.

On that note, Lougi was with me through the entire month of December.


@I, A
allowing psychopaths im-
punity'd likely End humanity &'s
def Certifiably infuckingSanity. hard pass.


Crowds of
baseball bat
toting Thugs as
they make their merry
way cleaning our Streets
of likely suspects both guilty and
otherwise but makes for Excellent teevee


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