Multnomah County and Oregon state election results show that the count of those voting for Harris was less than the number voting for Biden in 2020—41 thousand fewer votes at county (367,249 in ’20 and 325,927 this year), with 99,783(!) less at state level. The New York Times has reported that the Democratic vote also weakened in crucial Rust Belt cities…a similar shift then, ultimately dooming Kamala’s campaign. What caused this lack of enthusiasm for her candidacy? Was it that she didn’t articulate enough an agenda resonating with the working/middle class & describe sufficiently how Trump could wreak havoc on our socioeconomic “safety net”? Was it that she didn’t break with Biden on Gaza, demand a ceasefire, and oppose Biden’s shipping more arms to Israel? This is Peter Beinart’s argument: “Democrats Ignored Gaza and Brought Down Their Party” ( These presidential results foreshadow rough times ahead for liberals and progressives, in what will most likely be an uphill battle to gain enthusiasm and ensure electoral victories in key positions. (Also interesting: “Maps Pinpoint Where Democrats Lost Ground Since 2020 in 11 Big Cities”: