There are so many things wrong with the Democratic Party that the 300-word limit for this posting will not allow me to cover them. So, I will confine my opinion to just one, which happens to be my pet peeve. The leadership of the Democratic Party is too old, too white, too wealthy, and too conservative. Their primary focus is maintaining control of the party. They simply refuse to loosen the reins of control. They will not allow younger, more vigorous Democrats to rise to positions of power within the party. They would rather lose elections to the Republicans than be replaced at the head of a party that long ago lost touch with its constituents in the middle and working classes of America. Are todayโs Democrats better than Republicans? Yes, of course they are. But then, so too are pit vipers and lice-ridden rats. It is time to bring new blood, fresh ideas, and progressive values back to the Democratic Party and American people.