Print Edition for the week of
Aug. 29 - Sep. 4, 2018

Vol. 19, No. 16
Airbrush by Matt Stanger / photo by Meg Nanna


Are TriMet’s Fare Enforcement Tactics Constitutional?

Transit and Civil Rights Advocates Don't Think So.

A City-Backed Program is Helping Prep Young Adults for Construction Jobs

And Portland's Booming Housing Industry Needs Them More Than Ever.


Robin Bacior’s Light It Moved Me Is an Exploration of Subtlety

The Portland Singer/Songwriter Delves into Illuminating Jazz Sounds

The 18 Best Concerts to See in Portland This Week: August 29-September 4

From Cat-Chella to the Revolution to Bey Day

EP Review: Mini Blinds, Dust

The Portland Indie Pop Band Reintroduces Itself

Alien Boy’s Debut Funnels Agony into Art

Sleeping Lessons Is Full of Pop Hooks and Devastating Feelings

Movies & TV

Jack Ryan Review: Hey, John Krasinski Is Good at Playing a Straight Arrow!

Fortunately, the Amazon Series Has Other Stuff Going on, Too

Juliet, Naked Review: Of Aging Hipsters and the Women Who Tolerate Them

In Which a Mansplainer Gets Womansplained

Searching Messes with Tech and Conventions

Unconventional Filmmaking in Service of a Conventional Story

The 22 Best Films to Catch in Portland Theaters This Week: August 31-September 6

Can't Hardly Wait, Samurai Rebellion, and More!

Lush Life

Crawling the Columbia

Move Over, Willamette! Drinking Away the Summer on the Columbia

I, Anonymous

This Ain’t San Diego


Do Cannabis Dispensaries Attract Crime?

Another Prohibition Argument, Cannalyzed™!

Sold Out

Review: The Final Art Institute Fashion Show

Buckle Up, Because We Have a Lot of Designers to Cover!

One Day at a Time


Letter from the Editor

Coming September 13—a Brand New Biweekly Mercury

Savage Love & Sex

Savage Love


What’s She Mad About Now?

From Slacktivism to Activism

The 14 Best Ways to Make a Difference in Portland this Week: August 29-September 12

Music for Housebound Adults, a Trivia Night for AIDS Walk Portland, and One Year after the Eagle Creek fire

Around and Around (A Vinyl Column)

The Band’s Music from Big Pink Turns 50

A Vinyl Reissue and Deluxe Box Set Feature a Larger-Than-Life Remix

Fall Arts 2018

Presenting F-ARTS, the Portland Mercury’s Fall Arts Guide

Summer’s Over! It’ll Never Be Hot Again! What’s There to Do?

Illustrator, Cartoonist, Graphic Designer, Comedy Writer, Fake Wedding Facilitator Jenny Vu

An Introduction

Chelsea Cain’s Twitter Tricks and Man-Eaters Hints

How the Portland Writer Vanquished an Internet Outrage Cycle and Returned to Comics Creepier and Cooler Than Ever

Composer Katherine Balch Brings Coziness and Science to the Symphony

Mohamed Asem’s Revealing Memoir of Airport Detention

Asem Experiences Racism and Self-Reflection in Stranger In the Pen

All the Amazing Things at the 2018 Time-Based Arts Festival

LA Choreographer Milka Djordjevich, NY Video Arts Monologist Gregg Bordowitz, S1 DJs and Holocene’s Fin de Cinema

Shaking the Scene

Their New Season Proves that Shaking The Tree is Portland’s Most Daring Theater Company

Meet Portland’s Undisputable Geniuses of Comedy 2018!

And Get Your Tickets Now for the September 8 Show at Revolution Hall!