Letters Oct 19, 2016 at 4:00 am

β€œDo As Ya Please; Obviously I Can’t Stop You.”


Marked or unmarked, people who walk into traffic without "paying attention" are eventually going to get hit. The "false sense of security" comes not from crosswalk markings but from stepping into traffic while googling the word "duh".

People can be really mindless sometimes. But the most important difference between pedestrians and cars is that one is a distracted person in a human body and the other is a distracted person in a steel cage with a motor and wheels. Either way if you don't have a grip on the laws of physics you are going to kill or be killed by a wicked case of dumb shit regardless of Street markings
What nobody mentioned is that the 'intersection' of Clinton and 19th is a 3-way intersection, with no actual pedestrian crossing or curbs on the contiguous side of Clinton. Pedestrians who decide to cross there have, literally, no direct access to the sidewalk on the other side...making a marked pedestrian crosswalk a completely pointless effort. In addition, there's unrestricted parking on that side of the street, meaning there is likely to be a car physically blocking any attempt to cross there. It would seem the 'crosswalk' would have violated existing parking rules as well. But, hey, wtf do I know, I just ride by there daily...

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