DUKE MITCHELL my dad sang as a profession he was not a movie maker...
  • DUKE MITCHELL "my dad sang as a profession he was not a movie maker..."

I just received this impassioned email regarding my review of Gone With the Pope, a movie I truly enjoyed that recently played at the Hollywood Theatre. In my review, I refer to director/star/singer Duke Mitchell as a "schlocky nightclub entertainer and Dean Martin wanna-be." This apparently really angered Duke Mitchell's son Jeffrey.

An excerpt:

if you're a chick your probably fat... try and pull the cube of butter out of your face and fat ass.....if your a guy..you need a good bitch slap you little schmuck.. come and talk to me in person you little wimp who thinks he can say what he wants because he is behind a computer.. your a daft twit...

There's more... so much more... and you'll definitely want to read the rest of the unflattering-nickname-strewn email after the jump. Also, I think I've been challenged to a rumble.

Dearest Twatley.
tried to post this but your lame psuedo paper would not let me post. so i thought i would just personally send it to you..if you have any balls...post it Fartley!

First of all..i shouldnt grace your comments with a reply, but i shall.. i was in England when my father was making these films..but for some dim wit to call him a Dean Martin wanna be is very un cool..first of all Dean. although a fine guy and the father of my tennis partner Dino jr was a great guy, he hardly considered himself a singer..my dad sang as a profession he was not a movie maker...the man could really sing....listen to some tracks he did for Joe Hanna and Bill Barbera as the singing voice for Fred Flintsone for his friends with a fledgling cartoon company... just for fun...it's more than you will achieve in your life "Courtless" the tracks were recorded with the Count Basie and Hoyt Curtain tonight show band..these guys were all excellent and so very cool..search "listen To the Rocking Bird" Mr/Ms Wanna be a writer".and Im not saying that just because im his son...the guy could just really sing.. the internet..provides schlocky writers and wanna be reviewers such as you a place where the can purge there ugliness and call it an opinion of course that's fair..but this guy /girl here "Cuntney' has taken a leap by judging my father by one movie he did when he was really ill and dying of cancer.. What did you father do Buttholioly?..was he a mailman? did he clean up horseshit? how dare you even speak of my dad.. please send me some reviews of your dads work...of course you couldn't write for a publication and have someone pay for your "opine" you merely blurt it out..well your a classless dimwit.. come on down to the Hollywood Hills and we'll talk you piece of shit.. i hope you bring your father too.. I will add a few islands of truth to your hapless and undocumented talk of MY father and islands of pain..... Dean Martin was a nice man and a family friend.. Sinatra used to come and see my dad sing in Palm Springs and Vegas regularly.. you think they came because he was schlocky Cuntley? in fact Sinatra gave me his golden microphone.. currently in "profiles and History" it will fetch more than you will ever make in anything regarding the entertainment industry.....ever..who in God's name do you think you are to be so rude..its OK to review this movie..but to think you have any perspective on my dads career or life..and the right to judge him before this is just wrong.. You owe an apology to my family.. but your probably too busy writing some other callous bullshit about some other person who has passed away and cant defend themselves..your most probably in Portland...where it does nothing but rain..so your accustomed to being a miserable son of a bitch..come on down here cockney..if you're a chick your probably fat try and pull the cube of butter out of your face and fat ass.....if your a guy..you need a good bitch slap you little schmuck.. come and talk to me in person you little wimp who thinks he can say what he wants because he is behind a computer.. your a daft twit..and i just wanted to tell ya! now have a great day...im sure your probably abusing someone else..or perhaps this is all because your father sexually abused you and you hate men> who cares.. your a loser.. the only reason i even saw this was because an Academy award winner forwarded it to me.. do they win those in Portlandia? Cuntley?....come meet me and we will discuss our dads... bring about six or seven of your pot riddled ass wipe portland scumbags so it will be a fair meeting.. i toured thru Portland and there were some decent people there..but your not one...no one should judge anyone and make rude remarks about someone unless they are sure.. you were wrong and now i will follow your career and personally alter it in terms of anything concerned with entertainment... except maybe your ability to blouuuurg..but if you try to go pro...man..your done already! :)) .. if you wanted an "in" to the industry..you messed with the wrong persons father... although not in the business of reviewing i have oftened written for Hollywood Today.. a real entertainment on line magaine... and im not a pro..i had to cover friends like McCartney at coachella and other events of like kind.. we wouldnt see you backstage there now would we Twatley? best of luck .

All the Very best,

Jeffrey Mitchell

There I posted it.
Ms. Fartley Ferguson