Movies & TV Jun 16, 2011 at 4:00 am

Green Lantern Is Pretty Goddamn Dumb

GREEN LANTERN Pictured: Van Wilder, CG Mohawked Fish-Chicken Space Cop.


I'll still see it. Again, I'm not proud.
Depressing to hear Bobby, but entirely what I expected. WAAAAY too much money was throw at the marketing of this thing. That alone can never really be a good sign. It's like a guy trying to wear a girl down enough to become his girlfriend by every day, showing up in the same place (our TVs) for a couple minutes at a time, simply saying "Come on.... I promise you'll have only the best time with me."
What will Hollywood do when they finally run out of comic books to re-make?
I'm 87% sure I'll see it, but will probably do so at a cheap theater where beer can be had. I think that I'll need a beer or three to enjoy this.

What's frustrating is that silly comic book characters can be done well. Thor is a stupidly bombastic space viking who fights aliens and speaks as if he were a Shakespeare character. Yet, the movie totally embraced the sparkly bombast and really kind of worked. It wasn't dark, or gritty or "realistic" at all. It was big, splashy and delightful.

The Green Lanterns are nearly as ridiculous. They're magical space cops who all dress alike and use jewelry to punch evil in the face with giant fists. Yet, that shouldn't be an impediment to making a perfectly neato kickass movie. I hope that viewers who see it and don't like have presence of mind enough to blame the style and execution, not the source material or source medium.
Completely neglected to mention in the review: The 3D isn't bad. It's not GREAT (all the good usage of it is right up front in the opening credits, and then it's pretty subdued throughout) but it's not bad.

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