Thanks and a tip o' the hat to everyone who showed up for Hecklevision—the Mercury's second installment in our Winter of Fun™ series—at the Hollywood Theater on Friday, in which audience members texted their heckles of Red Dawn right onto the screen! The Hollywood crew did a great job; it went off almost seamlessly, and the near sold out crowd had a blast. I also saw a bunch of you Blogtownies there, doing what you do best—MAKING WITH THE FUNNY. So here are two questions for you to ponder in the comments:
1) What was your best or THE best heckle text of the night?
2) And what should be the NEXT Hecklevision movie? (Think short. Red Dawn was very funny and a good choice, but the length was almost seizure inducing. TOO... MUCH... TO WATCH!)
P.S.! Our third event in the Mercury Winter of Fun™ series is the "That's My Jam!" Dance Party and Contest with DJ Beyonda, coming up on Sat Feb 4! Deets and tickets here!