Left Behind. Stop being blind to truth ya fucking idiots. The books are NOT creepy. Have you read them? I have no stance in faith right now but I will not blast them. Close-minded athiests..
This Jesus freak votes for Left Behind! Went to an atheist funeral the other day. He was all dressed up with no place to go!! Funny, but not.
"Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait. And love one another." - George Harrison
Wow. 8 comments from new accounts and 18 million likes within 20 minutes...something tells me this thing just got posted on a couple of creepy-ass Jesus freak sites.
I use to be that person. I thank the Lord every day that I am not! God is real, the rapture is real and I will not be "Left Behind". The funny thing is, I am such a movie buff, I guess he figured the only way he was going to get my attention was to have nothing else on television that day. The day I watched the first "Left Behind" with Kirk Cameron. I hope these Jesus freak haters wake up before it is too late. Praise God!!!!!!!
Definitely the Left Behind Nicholas Cage. It'll be refreshing to see a movie without all the vulgarity and nudity and raunchy- ness that is not a cartoon. Seriously, Hollywood, movies today are closer to soft porn than theatrical art.
Oh, and Jesus Freaks was by DC Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs. This is based on the Left Behind series by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins. I just wanted to clarify for those who may have been confused.
Left Behind... We know how biased YOU are from the get go even aside from the Jesus Freak remark... You post a 2 MINUTE video on JOE and a 44 SECOND one on LEFT BEHIND... Does it confuse you why sooo many are still voting for Left Behind??? You wouldn't if you'd actually READ THE SERIES!!! Are you AFRAID something in there might actually change your mind on some points?? I CHALLENGE YOU TO READ ALL THE BOOKS, only THEN can you voice an opinion as to whether they are creepy or not!!!
Left Behind! I'm a Jesus freak and proud of it. The books are creepy but the truth isn't always pretty. But God is with us no matter how creepy things get.
Erik henriksen allow me to offer you some food for thought on your disparaging and intolerant comment on the beliefs of others. Atheists which I presume you are, demand that our nation be tolerant of your lack of belief and then you make tasteless remarks. Being a christian I believe in life after death, as an atheist you brlieve that when you die you are wormfood. If you sre right when I die I will be eormfood and since I have never hurt another person by my belief, no harm no foul. If on the other hand I am right, it might suck to be a creepy ass atheist.
Left Behind, for sure. I read the books and saw the Kirk Cameron version. If you haven't read the books, you really can't back up your opinion. Just sayin...... BTW! Proud to be a Jesus Freak!
Left behind all the way! It says in the Bible that not everyone will be saved. That's always been a very sad thought for me. To all non believers who label us as "Jesus freaks" Thank you :) one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Be well & God bless you all <3
I love those creepy Jesus Freak Left behind books! I'm a Jesus Freak. So??? If you think they are creepy, you probably need to find out what all the hub bub is about, bub! This is going to happen whether you believe or not!
Whether you believe in Jesus or not, one day we ALL are going to wind up standing before him at the seat of Judgement, our knees are then going to bow, and whether you willingly do it or not; YOU are going to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and King over all!! A lot of Atheists say that there is no God, there is no Hell, however they refuse to look at the evidence of the presence of the Holy spirit and even the evidence of demonic activity that is warring for our souls all over the earth. All the people who have clinically died and then returned minutes later, some even up to almost an hour later who have told us what is out there on the other side, how Jesus has greeted them on the other side, and others who have not been so fortunate but went to Hell itself, only to at the last minute been saved from damnation by the grace anf glory of the Almighty and the outstretched hand and Love of the Very same Jesus that they deny! How they now confess HIS name after that life changing ordeal. I just want to ask those who have doubt about the existence of God and the Lord Jesus a serious question. Are you willing to risk your ETERNAL soul for your unbelief?
I would rather be labelled a "Jesus freak" and know that I'm forgiven and will be in Heaven than spend 7 years of open rule by Satan and the Anti_Christ. Though we are close as we have inverted the 10 Commandments. Legalizing and there by lending an appearance or morality to all manner of sins which lead to child molestation molestation,murder,rape and other crimes.We can forgive the sinner who truly turns to God and changes their heart
Left Behind! God said we would face persecution for our beliefs but I don't care. Call me a Jesus Freak to your hearts content. It doesn't change my mind at all. I just hate when people accuse Christians of being "hateful" but atheist can label us and it's okay.
Have you even read these so-called creepy Jesus freak books? That's so disrespectful to Christians in general, whether or not they believe in the rapture. If it was a book/movie about aliens whisking people off of Earth, it wouldn't be deemed creepy or given a disrespectful label. Just because it involves God? You don't have to believe in God to want to see the movie. If it's done right, which the first movies weren't IMO, it will be suspenseful and thrilling for all to watch. I mean, you guys have no problems with movies where someone is possessed by a demon and needs a priest to rescue them (which by the way also involves God).....but you have a problem with this? I hope all these comments show just how ignorant you are. I'm sure this movie will be great, and I really cannot wait to see it! For the record, I'll see his other movie as well, but yeah....Ugh, you guys are so biased.
Looking forward to both. For Cage to take on Left Behind in the Hollywood of today is courageous. Don't really care what the detractors and atheists say. They've been saying it for centuries. It will all be over when our Lord returns. I would also suggest reading The Harbinger. Very sobering.
Glenn Pemberton.
Erik Henriksen one has to wonder if you are beginning to realize that misspoke badly. It's not going to get any better. I would think that it would be a good idea for you you edit your remark and issue an apology for being offensive.
Left Behind.
Everybody's a freak about something.
Mostly, it's the pursuit of money, social status, sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, nature, or your favorite sports team. (look at how many screaming fans pay so much money to pack the stadiums to worship their multi millionaire players)
I used to be a freak about things of this world, but now it's about the one who died for me so I could spend eternity in Heaven and meet our Creator who has such wonderous things for us that our minds couldn't even imagine. Or, you can dismiss that belief and trade it in for your worldly desires that will pass one day. Just so you can meet your maker and have Him say "I never knew you" and spend the rest of eternity seperated from God and your friends and family. But you'll have someone down there waiting for you with open arms who will say..... "I know you"
Left Behind is total fucking bullshit. The idea of the rapture lacks of Biblical relevance and was created by charlatans to fleece the gullible (see the follow the leader tactics of all above commenters). Read the Word of God again and realize that it never explicitly states anything in regard to a secret pre-tribulational rapture. On the contrary, in both Thessalonian passages St. Paul is speaking about the Day of the Lord, which is when Christ returns to judge the world and reward the righteous. This Day takes place on the Last Day as Martha stated in John 11:27, the Day in which the 1st Resurrection takes place. Finally, yes the Lord is preparing "mansions" for His saints to live in. However, the BIble makes it very clear that this is in reference to the New Jerusalem, which in Revelation 21 we see comes down from Heaven upon the New Earth. No where is it explicitly stated in Scripture that the saints are secretly raptured into heaven for 7 years. That's not sound biblical doctrine.
Wake up Sheeple!! Your so-called 'leaders' are actually nothing more than Serpents sent here to lead you astray from the true Word of God.
Call me a Jesus Freak, creepy Jesus Freak or whatever, I stand on the Promises of Christ my Savior! Where will you go come the time of Jesus return, blogger? Do you know?
Left Behind! I have read both the adult and young adult series, as well as watches the original trilogy with Kirk Cameron. Your biased introductions may try to sway voters to avoid choosing Left Behind or be cast as a Jesus Freak. Well, it doesn't appear to be deterring voters.
By the way, the Left Behind trailer is a rough, unedited cut with canned music. It will be a great movie that prayerfully will make people seek the truth before they get left behind.
Stand strong, Erik! I know you're probably overwhelmed by all these powerful comments and feeling a crushing need to apologize. Just try to keep cool - get some coffee, take a long dump, think about how soon Jesus is gonna tow into a macker tsunami and ride that baby all the way from Cancun to the Andaman all the while scoring the longest tube known to mankind. And when he gets spit out of that barrel, he'll be like, "Verily bro, that was SICK! Thanks everyone for coming out. Hope you can hear me. If you can't, please log out of Facebook (seriously, give it a rest) then check your email for a message titled, 'URGEST: Rapture happening in t-minus 25mins. GET YOUR ASS TO MARS lol sup Arnold love your movies!!' In that email is a link to the simulcast of my judgment sesh. Next, find the Judgmental Chatbox and, in 140 characters or less, type your sins into it. I'll judge them super quickly, and then we'll be good to go! Final note: if you haven't already rated the Left Behind movies on Rotten Tomatoes, you're going straight to Hell. Good news is that Hell is actually way mellower than you guys thought. I think there was a translation error or something. Anyway, PEACE." And when that happens, Erik, apology or not you'll probably be able to write a review of the rapture and it'll get a bunch of hits (aka $$$) for the Mercury, and then your boss will give you a high five.
I am very proud to be a "Jesus freak"!! I won't be here for "hell on earth". Enjoy it if you must, but don't you think you would be happier with your family that has passes and in the never ending love of heaven? We all make choices, and I have made mine.
Left Behind! Which is what you will be if you don't inform yourself and open your eyes to the truth before its too late. Prayers for you to seek Jesus.
To the people who say and believe that God is not real and hell isn't either, you can believe this all u want too, but there will be a day coming when everyone, including you, that will stand before God on Judgement day and say "Jesus Christ is LORD" continue in your ways and do not repent you are in danger of damnation I pray for you
Interesting that so many believe in a pre trib rapture when it will be a pre wrath rapture. 1st Thess. 4 clearly shows that the dead in Christ will rise first then we that are left will be caught up with them in the clouds. Revelations 20:4-6 clearly shows that those that were beheaded for not taking the mark of the beast were counted in the first resurrection.
but this left behind has high standards to meet. the Kirk Cameron Left Behind was FLAWLESS
"Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait. And love one another." - George Harrison
You guys are creepy Jesus freaks.
Id rather believe and die to find out I'm wrong then not believe and end up in hell.
You guys have cool usernames, at least.
(Yes, that was sarcasm)
I am definitely a Jesus Freak! Thank you... Romans 9:11
When I was a young girl
of seventeen,
life was pure hell if you
know what I mean.
One night while asleep
I received a dream.
I awoke with a cold
terrified scream.
I saw in the dream the
end of the age.
As the heavens opened
the earth did rage.
I knew in my heart
I was not prepared,
to rise and meet Jesus
up in the air.
Fell to my face crying
God please forgive.
I'll recall what He said
long as I live.
He said," I'm sorry child
it's now too late
your life up to now girl
has sealed your fate."
It's true I screamed as
I got out of bed.
His words kept replaying
inside my head.
From that day I began
to turn around.
Amidst all my turning,
Life's what I've found.
The movie,'2012'
doesn't scare me.
I've found in my seeking,
Where forever begins
once we get there.
Rising to meet Jesus
in the mid-air.
c.d.m. 4-3-10
I don't want to be Left Behind.
Joe looks good but, u can't beat Rayford!!
Glenn Pemberton.
Everybody's a freak about something.
Mostly, it's the pursuit of money, social status, sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, nature, or your favorite sports team. (look at how many screaming fans pay so much money to pack the stadiums to worship their multi millionaire players)
I used to be a freak about things of this world, but now it's about the one who died for me so I could spend eternity in Heaven and meet our Creator who has such wonderous things for us that our minds couldn't even imagine. Or, you can dismiss that belief and trade it in for your worldly desires that will pass one day. Just so you can meet your maker and have Him say "I never knew you" and spend the rest of eternity seperated from God and your friends and family. But you'll have someone down there waiting for you with open arms who will say..... "I know you"
Wake up Sheeple!! Your so-called 'leaders' are actually nothing more than Serpents sent here to lead you astray from the true Word of God.
By the way, the Left Behind trailer is a rough, unedited cut with canned music. It will be a great movie that prayerfully will make people seek the truth before they get left behind.