It's one thing to be in a cover band, but what is it like when the band you play tribute to is one of the least recognizable bands in modern pop music? The Love Vigilantes are a New Order tribute band, performing the timeless Brit-pop hits from a band whose members virtually no one could pick out in a line-up. But at the end of the day, who cares what Bernard Sumner looks like? As long you play "Blue Monday," everyone's happy. Bass player Brian Forsythe talks about the ins and outs of the tribute band world.

Love Vigilantes play Fri July 15 at Berbati's Pan

Were any members of Love Vigilantes in non-tribute bands before the band started? If so, has it been easier being in a band with songs people are already familiar with?

The singer, Ricky, and I have been friends since the early '90s, when we were both in rock bands in Seattle. We both got out of music in the late '90s, but kept a professional relationship going. I'm not sure whose idea it was to play New Order, but we both agreed that it was music that we really liked and would have fun playing. He claimed he could sing it just like Bernard and I could handle the part of [Peter Hook]. Sadly, we get much more respect from venues and agents in this band then we ever did in original projects.

For a band with so many hit songs and commercial success, New Order is probably the least visually identifiable band of their stature. Do you find that this makes it easier for Love Vigilantes, since people will be less likely to judge you on your resemblance to the members?

Definitely easier. Other tributes have to work much harder on costumes and hair. We DO make an effort to resemble New Order, I try to play my bass like Hooky, Ricky gets his hair cut like Bernard, etc. But we don't spend any money on dressing like them or anything.

Be honest: is it really the secret dream of every musician performing in a tribute band to take the place of the member they "play" in the original band?

I can only answer for myself and I would say no. I really enjoy the music of New Order and I could be just as happy playing synths or drums or singing.