Music Oct 11, 2012 at 4:00 am

Living with Bob Dylan's Ghost

BOB DYLAN Yep. Still creepy.


Heh. Always fun to talk shit about Bob Dylan. Didn't actually listen to "Tempest" the track, since I boycott all things Titanic, but "Pay in Blood" was very good, IMO.

Of course, I'm still not going to see him for $50. Saw him twice with general admission, i.e. way up close. He's one ugly fucker these days, but his band is great and he knows his stuff:
'duquesne whistle' is quite a bit more than 'a pip' -- it is, however, as you seem to agree, the best tune on the album.....'scarlet town' and 'long & wasted years' are pretty damn good themselves, though.

actually, i have yet to tire of any of the tracks, even the title track -- true, there aren't many changes, or whatever, in that one, but he still somehow manages to keep it interesting and seeming a lot less than its 14 minutes of length.

this record is right up there with 'modern times' and 'time out of mind', the 3 of them being some of his best albums ever.....which is saying something.
Dylan is the Man!! Always was, always will be.
Bob is a great piano player, what are those dimwit Canadian press on about. Dylan constantly changing, always evolving, pushing the boundaries, living in the present in true Zen style, unlike his wastrel critics, what have you contributed to the world and people's consciousness, absolutely zero, try standing in Bob's shadows you talentless fools. He will outlive all your pointless blinkered views, cotton wool in your ears and rubbish publications. If a ten ton truck was an artist and rolled fools like ye over on the road, well? That would be a good thing and nobody would care.

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