News Apr 12, 2001 at 4:00 am

And why, just maybe, we're all better off not knowing the answer


Hell is simply a place for the devil and the anti-christ to be cast into. It is simply the absence of the presence of G-d. And, the salvation of souls is not predestined. G-d's desire is for ALL to be saved, and He is just and good. He will give all, including your father, a chance to see Himself in all His glory and Truth before casting judgement. For, only when the devil had seen and known G-d in all Truth, and still arrogantly rejected G-d, was he cast from Heaven and G-d's presence.

Do not be dismayed. G-d will make all things good, and He is just and fair. Much more so than we have any idea, being surrounded by injustice, and a lack of true fairness.


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