
'Leonard said the city needed to have some "integrity to [its] negotiations"'

What negotiations? He asks for tens of millions of dollars and you fall all over yourself trying to hand them over. How is that a negotiation?
"But what about us braindead slobs?"
"You'll be given cushy jobs!"
Thank you, now where's Keyboard Cat when you need... it... for this crapass stadium waste-a-shite.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am against this stupid stadium. And I think it's a poor use of Urban Renewal money. However, doesn't Urban Renewal money come from Tax Increment Financing? As I understood it (although it's confusing stuff, so I could be wrong) the TIF money is basically a loan on expected future tax money that will come from these improved properties. So URA money doesn't exactly steal from current needs. However, since 30% is earmarked for affordable housing, it does seem likely that it will be stealing from that pool. The history of urban renewal in Portland is pretty controversial (please see the South Auditorium District, the Rose Quarter, MLK and the convention center). Making PGE Park a URA will only increase the controversy that has surrounded these areas. As it is, no municipality is allowed to have more than 15% of the city designated as a URA, and Portland has more than 14% already designated as URAs. We're already pushing the limit, and there are areas that could use this designation FAR more than PGE Park. This is a really poor choice for our city.
Build it and they will come ..........and bring their imaginary money.
nickeyroo - yes, TIF is confusing stuff. But TIF DOES take from existing county and other public needs. More specifically, whenever a URA is created, a portion of money from that district is skimmed from the County and Portland Public School district funding rolls and goes into the URA fund. That might not be an issue 30 years later when (in theory, but not always reality) the district makes more tax revenue. However for many URAs that means for the first 10, 15, 20 years the County is having money diverted away. It also might not be an issue if it was just one URA, with a small percentage, but as you pointed out, we are talking close to 15% of existing city land, and thus property tax dollars being diverted from the County and Schools.

The reason Ted Wheeler and so many of us are upset is that the County is already in a budget crises due to A) so many existing and under performing and/or young URAs and URA projects, B) A budget crises due to economy in City, County and State and C) increasing and critical social service needs like basic child health, safety, emergency housing, etc.

The big problem is that the PGE Park need for $15 million in URA funds will not address the City and County's short term crises, and in fact may make it worse. For many of us it is also a huge moral and financial responsibility issue. With so many basic service needs not being cut right now, and the need for very solid economic development investment, along with massive existing problems with road infrastructure (hello Sellwood bridge) why the hell is the city putting what precious resources we have towards PGE Park? Sports stadiums have been shown over and over again NOT to increase economic development in cities, or the immediate areas around them. This is especially true given the types of jobs created and the insignificant impact of short term construction jobs on the tax rolls. In addition, as PGE Park is publicly owned, it is not and will not in the future be paying property taxes to the City.

This project is a disaster and irresponsible on the part of Adams and Leonard. The City needs to focus on investing public money in projects that provide solid benefit for the City - in both the short and long term.

In my book, creating a whole URA for one non-essential project, for one private and already wealthy business owner, with no solid economic benefit to the city is taking from the poor to give to the rich during some very hard economic times.

That's what I call an immoral sin on the part of our elected officials.

I wish soylent green were a true story.l

Please relay to Mr Wheeler that he is henceforth discouraged from the sporting activity you describe in your post.

He is badly needed in our rudderless local government and we would not want him to contract cancer from too much intimate contact with the Willamette River, or from heaving too much Willamette Valley smog into his lungs.

Did TW not climb Everest too?
"He said he thought Paulson should be put on the hook to find a source for the money"

Ahem. How about Paulson's bank account?
Why did MLS offer an expansion team to a small minded minor league town in the fisrt place. I think they need to pull the plug on Portland. Obviously they don't know what they have here. St. Louis, Montreal, Miami and Ottawa badly want an expansion MLS team. They should stop wasting time with you provicials.
PS Love my Revs more than anything. Love living in an all sports all culture town!!!
Kraftownzrevs (and Patriots)
Why did MLS offer an expansion team to a small minded minor league town in the fisrt place. I think they need to pull the plug on Portland. Obviously they don't know what they have here. St. Louis, Montreal, Miami and Ottawa badly want an expansion MLS team. They should stop wasting time with you provicials.
PS Love my Revs more than anything. Love living in an all sports all culture town!!!
Kraftownzrevs (and Patriots LOL)
I agree, we are provincial. But Provence is a wonderful place; great weather in the summer, excellent cuisine and wine, fantastic food and farmers markets, terrific bicycling, world class music festivals, arts and other culture, access to nature, diverse cities, terrific transportation. Wow, sounds like Portland.

Except Provence has a stable tax base that provides solid basic health, housing and social services for its residents.

I'll take that over minor league MLS any old day.

If we are provincial here, then whatever it is, it is awesome and we need more of it.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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