News Oct 15, 2009 at 4:00 am

Why You Should Care About the Metro President's Race

Illustration by Dave Neeson


What does a Metro councilor get paid? And what was Rex's job before this?
It is like $20k a year. It is supposedly considered a part time job, except that all the meetings are in the middle of the day, so it isn't like you could have another regular job and do it too. (A lot of low paid elected positions like this have meetings at night so that the people can work during the day, but Metro doesn't...)

I think he was a school teacher, or at least I thought I remember reading that somewhere. But I believe his wife is fairly wealthy, so the wage actually isn't a big deal to him and I don't know why he brought it up.
Rex's pre-Metro work included co-founding the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and serving as an environmental educator.

I had a chance to work with Rex in 2000 during the first anti-takings campaign (Measure 7). We spent the summer traveling the state enlisting coalition members and donors against the costly and unnecessary anti-regulatory measure.
Councilors are paid 1/3 of an Oregon Circuit Court judge - so about $38,000. President is paid equal to that judge - $111,000.
I went to the Bus project debate that Rex "moderated". I told him afterwards that supporting the bridge was going to come back and bite him big time, looks like we are about to find out. He can backpedal all he wants but he was for the 12 lane CRC before he was against the 12 lane CRC...
I am writing to correct an error in this blog entry.

Not all of the Metro Council voted to support the current form of the proposed Columbia River Crossing. I have consistently and strongly opposed the mega-bridge proposal since the beginning of my service on Metro.

In the critical vote in July 2008, Councilor Hosticka and I voted for an alternative to the mega-project while the remaining five councilors, including Coucilor Burkholder, endorsed the mega-bridge proposal.

Robert Liberty, Metro Councilor
Finally, The Mercury has a fairly decent reporter. Thanks for your work, Sarah.
Burkholder will win because he has name recognition. Voters around here don't know crap, which is why everyone at Metro and on the City Council are essentially the exact same person. It settles don't to the same washed-out, lowest-common-denominator, namby pambies across the board.

"Green sustainable urban chickens drinking HUB beer are good! Here's a photo of me doing the bridge race last year. Did I mention bikes? Vote for me!"

This town has gotten so unbelievably boring.
econoline: Right!

Blabby: Less so!

You might have a point about the boring.

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