I am an novice gun person and even I know the difference between blue and red. For a fifteen year veteran this is way wrong. Maybe if it was his first day on the job, but is this the level of training of a fifteen year vet?
It just goes to show you that these pigs are out for blood. And they do this shit b/c they KNOW they can get away with it! "mix-up" my ass! I becha these pigs have been chuckling it up in their little locker room ever since.
Clearly your experience has matured you DamosA. I'm glad to see you're doing something good with your time; real activism, ranting on The Stranger boards and constantly saying "pigs." Don't slip and fall on another taser, kiddo.
So, Reister "made headlines in 2008"? Am I to believe this, or is this kinda like reporting he had a "checkered past" and then trying desperately to find something to justify writing it?
he should lose his job but I promise it wont be for attempted murder. I am not saying accidents do not happen however this is one that needs to be responded to. A slap on the wrist will not do.
I really don't know much about guns but couldn't they use a different gauge shotgun entirely for their "less lethal" situations - like a 10 gauge - so it will be impossible to "accidentally" load it with lethal 12 gauge rounds?
Does this mean even mediocre supervision and checking physically of each officer from time to time is still not done ? Any organization with life or money in its hands has at least two inspectors physically looking to see if its agents are actually meeting the goals they say they are meeting. Think of outside audit checks and the like. FAA approved inspectors, space agency operations.
Fire the sergeant, fire that person's supervisor. Both seem to have failed miserably to do their job. Has there been an internal write up of those two positions ( ever ) in Portland ? Usually failure of this kind causes at least one fireing. Always they look to training of the officer.. what about the supervisors failures ? Its just a real fluke the person shot at 5 times is not dead, after all that's what lethal weapons do.
This pig ought to be investigated for attemped murder b/c it's well known that cops are sadistic and this was most likely NOT an accident. No more than the execution-style murder of Oscar Grant in Oakland was an "accident".
If you have such a big beef with the PDX police, why don't you join up? Somebody should definitely investigate and report fuck-ups (especially this one), but your tone and almost obsessive need to report on the failings of police seem to indicate other motives. Honestly, have you been at the Mercury so long that nobody has the stones to confront you about the lack of diversity in your reporting preferences. Or is this some sort of attempt to distinguish yourself in the news community?
My impression is police departments do the best with what they can recruit. Is there a police force in a major metropolitan area in the US (or possibly elsewhere) that meets your standards?
The idea that this officer should be fired is questionable at best. From a systems perspective, it is more important to figure out long-term corrective procedures than to use punative enforcement. Should Officer Reister get off scott-free? Fuck to the No. Two weeks unpaid administrative leave or whatever is the next-to-highest level of punishment seems like the correct action in this case.
I think Graham is about right. Along with some remedial, embarrassing weapons training to boot.
There should be two different types of weapons without interchangable ammo.
It seems obvious now, but this was an accident waiting to happen, right?
Sure, he should have realized what type of ammo he was firing before shooting 5 shots, but in the heat of the moment, amped up...?? I can see it happening.
Glad the kid ain't dead. I dunno if you want to call him 'Lucky' just yet, but...
@Tits, I think I have suggested the same thing to DMOSA before too, well - join up and start the change from the inside.
He seems like a good kid, but he doesn't realize even that if you want to effectively attack the police deptartment you don't use explosive cliche's like "PIG" and calling them murderers if you want to be taken seriously.
Get him off the subject of cops though and he seems pretty reasonable.
Sure, one person can change things from the "inside". Um, ever heard of a "BLUE WALL OF SILENCE"? There have been plenty of examples all over the country of lone "good" cops who've attemped to do just that. And guess fucking what... none of 'em are cops any longer.
Typical cop-out response though, from your typical cop-supporters.
There is a lot of forensic evidence that refutes the cops' account. First and foremost, the nature of the wounds makes it very obvious that the victim was shot at close range, possibly contact range. The lawyer comments on thevfact that the wadding from the shotgun. Was found inside one of the wounds. Because of the very low ballistic coefficient, the wadding from a shotgun decelerates extremely rapidly after leaving the muzzle. Also, the wadding will tumble and follow a trajectory that diverges from the shot cluster. Secondpoint, depending on the pee let size and the type of choke on the shotgun, the individual pellets should also diverge as they exit the muzzle so that you would have multiple, small entry wounds from the individual pellets. The fact that the entire load of buckshot from each shot fired entered close enough together to form a single entry wound proves that the shotgun was fired at near contact range. It is ludicrous to suggest that the cop could hold, aim, fire and pump new rounds into a pump action shotgun while running after a fleeing suspect. The victim had almost certainly been still and possibly on the ground when he was shot.
If I was the attorney, I'd have a pattern test done with that shotgun/ammo combination to estimate the range at which his client was shot. I'd also demand a close examination of the scene to determine exactly where the victim was when he was shot. My guess is that he had already been wrestled to the ground which makes the use of the shotgun both unnecessary and a unreasonable risk to fellow officers.
The. Bottom line here is that the Portland cops didn't just screw up loading their shotgun, they are lying about how the shooting occurred.
i was going to comment on this but some others have done so far better than i could so here are a few things that really stand out to me. from knuckledragger on olive:
There is a lot of forensic evidence that refutes the cops' account. First and foremost, the nature of the wounds makes it very obvious that the victim was shot at close range, possibly contact range. The lawyer comments on thevfact that the wadding from the shotgun. Was found inside one of the wounds. Because of the very low ballistic coefficient, the wadding from a shotgun decelerates extremely rapidly after leaving the muzzle. Also, the wadding will tumble and follow a trajectory that diverges from the shot cluster. Secondpoint, depending on the pee let size and the type of choke on the shotgun, the individual pellets should also diverge as they exit the muzzle so that you would have multiple, small entry wounds from the individual pellets. The fact that the entire load of buckshot from each shot fired entered close enough together to form a single entry wound proves that the shotgun was fired at near contact range. It is ludicrous to suggest that the cop could hold, aim, fire and pump new rounds into a pump action shotgun while running after a fleeing suspect. The victim had almost certainly been still and possibly on the ground when he was shot.
If I was the attorney, I'd have a pattern test done with that shotgun/ammo combination to estimate the range at which his client was shot. I'd also demand a close examination of the scene to determine exactly where the victim was when he was shot. My guess is that he had already been wrestled to the ground which makes the use of the shotgun both unnecessary and a unreasonable risk to fellow officers.
The. Bottom line here is that the Portland cops didn't just screw up loading their shotgun, they are lying about how the shooting occurred.
@frankieb- Actually I was referring to the author of this article, Denis. DamosA is free to rant and rave all he wants. Kind of what the comment section is for.
I'd just like to open the Mercury one day and see an article that doesn't have to do with the PDX police department or the soon to be PDX office of equality.
(From back inside the mind of billionaire psychopath J. Edger: jedger.blogspot.com)
We all know our soldiers, I mean our police, I mean "your police" are never, ever wrong. Just ask Mary Beth- Besides this was just another "useless cripple", and through abortion and great American men and women, like Ms. Anthony and APAC Abe, we're all working together to get rid of these "people". Just look, Oregon still has no Hate Crime protection for its "useless cripples" and that says a lot about the people who run Oregon's injustice system...
Speaking of "your president", As to phase IV, "You's people" are gonna have to give just a little more, otherwise we'll be cutting up ALL your plastic! "We" already know how this works out, but lets pretend that I need to convince you not to cut taxes for us. That will be fun! Here we go: There's some serious things that need to be taken care of right away. Don't know how soon or how horrific phase III will end up being...but when the grease breaks through that lower crust and hits that cold water-- SEE YAH, WOULDN'T WANTA BE YAH!!!
As you can see, we've had lots of great ideas from the most brilliant minds that money can buy to get us through this transition stage of purifying the human race and cleansing the earth, and we've focused all of our extra resources on an alternative temporary arrangement you might say... Frankly, developing the South Pole site and setting things up on the "Dark Side" , is the reason why we've needed to back off on other projects at the Cape and other places.
But hey , the good news is that the Department of inJustice has found another billion dollars to double the number of police officers that can go out an harass those disgusting registered sex offenders across America. One of the great things we do here in Portland, Oregon, is that we have two burley, ugly officers wait down the block until they see the offender leave (we got all their pics). Than the officers charge up to the door and start using their clubs to smash dents and marks into the door and walls, and yelling over and over , "SEX OFFENDER CHECK!! OPEN THE DOOR!"
If any one answers, our people start harassing them, shoving the picture of the offender into their face. They start yelling, "DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN! HE'S A SEX OFFENDER (usually a low risk registered sex offender)! DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS!" This is usually enough to shock the roommate, spouse, partner or landlord. Then they go out and do the same thing to all of the neighbors. Except with more calm, calculated authority, but in a way that creates chaos in the 'hood' and effectively frightens the neighbors who will immediately think the man is dangerous or has re-offended (in truth, only about 3% of low risk RSOs actually do re-offend. In fact, 95% of all new sex crimes are committed by people who are not registered sex offenders. Isn't that the biggest hoot of all! Just like that little girl from Clay County, Florida they found two years ago and just solved the case. Surprised that no lawyer has ever challenged the constitutionality, or the true public interest, of having the "LIST" for low risk registered sex offenders, given these men, once revealed, are always targets for any con or ex with an axe to grind, including the local drug dealer.).
Do Got to wonder if these sort of nazi police tactics regularly used in Oregon influenced Christina Buckley, who recently strangled her eleven-year-old daughter to "protect her from sex offenders". Obviously, Christina was successful, and will somehow be made into a victim (given she's an able-bodied white woman living in Oregon), but what's funny is that no one's asking if Governor Kitzhaber, Representative Michael Schaufler, the corporate media and the DOJ's hysteria over "SEX OFFENDERS" is actually causing more chaos, and distracting the dumb downed population from the real perps... Because that's the intention!
Okay, so it didn't work out for Dom as we planned, but he's not completely off the hook either. And there's that other woman in France who was raped by him, probably. Would have thought someone besides Alex Jones and the American Freedom Radio crowd would have thought it was strange a wealthy man like this staying in a New York hotel room, costing $3,000 per night, wouldn't order a hot escort if he needed some sex? Maybe that's what he did! The news reported "He charged out of the bathroom naked. and attacked the maid" Really? It's so easy to find a woman in America who for a few bucks, or just vengeance, would be willing to help us destroy the lives of these sleazy liberal, activist, whistle blowing, socialist types...
Let's just be honest, unless you fellas are working for the relevant class and carrying a gun or a law book, you're screwed! First you got the "gays", who have been persecuted for thousands of years for their sexuality, and who have no problem pointing a finger at those perverted straight guys! But we don't discriminate, all men without money or influence are targets. Then you got all those angry American women who hate men and blame them for everything that's wrong with the world. Then you got your suck up, opportunistic men from the phony-left who just want to 'get some', and always are the first to start ranting about "women's rights", even if it's against their own best interest as a man. Than you got your authoritarian, angry creepy talking heads, who just as soon start phase VIII today and be done with all of you.
Although, can't really blame John Walsh. He must be very, very angry and hurt deep inside knowing that his wife lied about only being gone from Adam for five or ten minutes, and saying that she was shopping for lamp shades and nothing else. And was only a few isles away. the time line, the store diagram and her interviews suggest differently. Just imagine, the Adam Walsh Act that targets men accused of a "sex offense" was created by Mark Foley and George W. Bush. There's something perversely appropriate about that, given Toole's multiple erroneous confessions and the lack of any physical evidence (The police lost it!). Think about why someone else might not want the body to be found, and what it might reveal... Explain why didn't Toole tell them where the body was if he wanted to confess on is death bed and cleanse his soul? Hmmm....
Imagine you were in our shoes, as a member of the 'relevant class' where nothing matters and you can have anything or anyone on earth you want ... Wouldn't it make more sense to get two older kids to shuffle off a slightly younger child to a parking lot and quickly shoved into a van before they could grasp what was happening. "The kid is thinking, But your my friends! You're hurting me!" As they fade from consciousness.
You'd think there be more suspicion around the thousands and thousands of missing kids in America over the last dozen years. Over 150 just from Oregon and Washington. Hey, let's blame men (without money for a real lawyer) and call them "perverts" or "boners" and vilify them (unless their worth more than a cool million)!
How do you suppose Kyron Horman got out of that school without anyone knowing? Hmmm... Had an adult took him out, someone would have probably noticed, don't you think? And come on, would he really have been willing to leave the building with a stranger no matter what they promised. Yet, kids believe kids. And there are some very, very mean and nasty little kids out there who will do anything (and say nothing) for the right reward- But a group of two or three excited little kids hoping to find some tree frogs in the woods, to complete Kyron's school science project, wouldn't seem out of place. And slipping out a side door wouldn't be that strange or remarkable...to any eye witness- Yet, not a thought about this possibility in the media...it's a real hoot to us! Yeah, but let's crucify those pervert sex offenders now! To hell with a trial before your peers or facing your accuser! Guess that fluoride is really working, along with the corn sugar, and the nutrition free food, and the great American brain shrinker (network corporate TV)-
Well, I do hope to share more with you, but if not, best wishes if we don't happen to speak again. It's hard to say what's next. but I've enjoyed sharing these inside clues about the future (the coming eight phases) with the few of you who are able to read more than 140 characters , and who aren't literally glued to the tube (Got to love digital TV and those hidden subliminal messages!).
DamosA get some life experience before you speak with the big kids. I don't think anything short of termination is going to work here. Partially due to the series of incidents the Portland department has been involved in the last couple years.
Like I said I would be more apt to be softer on a newer officer however the shells come in two different boxes are two different weights and two different colors. Having firearms training and a brother who is a cop I can tell you this is nothing short of operator error on an extreme level, and honestly i don't buy that it was a "accident"
Well in this case at least, it seems like we're BOTH on the same page here, Beav. We both feel that this cop made more than just a simple "error". We both feel that he ought to be fired for nearly killing someone, right? We both seem to feel that this was infact, NO accident.
So where was i wrong in any of what i said, in this thread at least?
Guys, you really think the officer would put himself through all the shit and worry about his job by purposely shooting the guy with live ammo?
It makes no logical sense at all.
Human error seems much more likely.
Easy on the conspiracy theories. Save those for Spindles.
Frankieb, you clearly are in doubt as to the sheer sadism that cops are all too capable of!
I don't think this pig is too worried about his job. He ought to be, but he isn't - and with damn good reason. How often has a cop lost his job here for murdering an innocent, un-armed civilan? It happened ONCE, last year, months after the fact, and after intence public outrage. And even that pig is now collecting thousands of dollars a month in unemployment, while his sorry ass tries to get his job back.
@DamosA: Do you have any hobbies other than calling civil servants "pigs, sadistic or murderers"? Like, do you collect stamps or something? I'm seriously hoping that you've got something else to do with your time.
I don't often agree with DamosA however even if this was a mistake he is in a position where his mistakes come with higher consequences than if he drops a drink at a bar
Fire the sergeant, fire that person's supervisor. Both seem to have failed miserably to do their job. Has there been an internal write up of those two positions ( ever ) in Portland ? Usually failure of this kind causes at least one fireing. Always they look to training of the officer.. what about the supervisors failures ? Its just a real fluke the person shot at 5 times is not dead, after all that's what lethal weapons do.
My impression is police departments do the best with what they can recruit. Is there a police force in a major metropolitan area in the US (or possibly elsewhere) that meets your standards?
There should be two different types of weapons without interchangable ammo.
It seems obvious now, but this was an accident waiting to happen, right?
Sure, he should have realized what type of ammo he was firing before shooting 5 shots, but in the heat of the moment, amped up...?? I can see it happening.
Glad the kid ain't dead. I dunno if you want to call him 'Lucky' just yet, but...
@Tits, I think I have suggested the same thing to DMOSA before too, well - join up and start the change from the inside.
He seems like a good kid, but he doesn't realize even that if you want to effectively attack the police deptartment you don't use explosive cliche's like "PIG" and calling them murderers if you want to be taken seriously.
Get him off the subject of cops though and he seems pretty reasonable.
Typical cop-out response though, from your typical cop-supporters.
If I was the attorney, I'd have a pattern test done with that shotgun/ammo combination to estimate the range at which his client was shot. I'd also demand a close examination of the scene to determine exactly where the victim was when he was shot. My guess is that he had already been wrestled to the ground which makes the use of the shotgun both unnecessary and a unreasonable risk to fellow officers.
The. Bottom line here is that the Portland cops didn't just screw up loading their shotgun, they are lying about how the shooting occurred.
That should make for a pretty good lawsuit.
There is a lot of forensic evidence that refutes the cops' account. First and foremost, the nature of the wounds makes it very obvious that the victim was shot at close range, possibly contact range. The lawyer comments on thevfact that the wadding from the shotgun. Was found inside one of the wounds. Because of the very low ballistic coefficient, the wadding from a shotgun decelerates extremely rapidly after leaving the muzzle. Also, the wadding will tumble and follow a trajectory that diverges from the shot cluster. Secondpoint, depending on the pee let size and the type of choke on the shotgun, the individual pellets should also diverge as they exit the muzzle so that you would have multiple, small entry wounds from the individual pellets. The fact that the entire load of buckshot from each shot fired entered close enough together to form a single entry wound proves that the shotgun was fired at near contact range. It is ludicrous to suggest that the cop could hold, aim, fire and pump new rounds into a pump action shotgun while running after a fleeing suspect. The victim had almost certainly been still and possibly on the ground when he was shot.
If I was the attorney, I'd have a pattern test done with that shotgun/ammo combination to estimate the range at which his client was shot. I'd also demand a close examination of the scene to determine exactly where the victim was when he was shot. My guess is that he had already been wrestled to the ground which makes the use of the shotgun both unnecessary and a unreasonable risk to fellow officers.
The. Bottom line here is that the Portland cops didn't just screw up loading their shotgun, they are lying about how the shooting occurred.
I'd just like to open the Mercury one day and see an article that doesn't have to do with the PDX police department or the soon to be PDX office of equality.
We all know our soldiers, I mean our police, I mean "your police" are never, ever wrong. Just ask Mary Beth- Besides this was just another "useless cripple", and through abortion and great American men and women, like Ms. Anthony and APAC Abe, we're all working together to get rid of these "people". Just look, Oregon still has no Hate Crime protection for its "useless cripples" and that says a lot about the people who run Oregon's injustice system...
Speaking of "your president", As to phase IV, "You's people" are gonna have to give just a little more, otherwise we'll be cutting up ALL your plastic! "We" already know how this works out, but lets pretend that I need to convince you not to cut taxes for us. That will be fun! Here we go: There's some serious things that need to be taken care of right away. Don't know how soon or how horrific phase III will end up being...but when the grease breaks through that lower crust and hits that cold water-- SEE YAH, WOULDN'T WANTA BE YAH!!!
As you can see, we've had lots of great ideas from the most brilliant minds that money can buy to get us through this transition stage of purifying the human race and cleansing the earth, and we've focused all of our extra resources on an alternative temporary arrangement you might say... Frankly, developing the South Pole site and setting things up on the "Dark Side" , is the reason why we've needed to back off on other projects at the Cape and other places.
But hey , the good news is that the Department of inJustice has found another billion dollars to double the number of police officers that can go out an harass those disgusting registered sex offenders across America. One of the great things we do here in Portland, Oregon, is that we have two burley, ugly officers wait down the block until they see the offender leave (we got all their pics). Than the officers charge up to the door and start using their clubs to smash dents and marks into the door and walls, and yelling over and over , "SEX OFFENDER CHECK!! OPEN THE DOOR!"
If any one answers, our people start harassing them, shoving the picture of the offender into their face. They start yelling, "DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN! HE'S A SEX OFFENDER (usually a low risk registered sex offender)! DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS!" This is usually enough to shock the roommate, spouse, partner or landlord. Then they go out and do the same thing to all of the neighbors. Except with more calm, calculated authority, but in a way that creates chaos in the 'hood' and effectively frightens the neighbors who will immediately think the man is dangerous or has re-offended (in truth, only about 3% of low risk RSOs actually do re-offend. In fact, 95% of all new sex crimes are committed by people who are not registered sex offenders. Isn't that the biggest hoot of all! Just like that little girl from Clay County, Florida they found two years ago and just solved the case. Surprised that no lawyer has ever challenged the constitutionality, or the true public interest, of having the "LIST" for low risk registered sex offenders, given these men, once revealed, are always targets for any con or ex with an axe to grind, including the local drug dealer.).
Do Got to wonder if these sort of nazi police tactics regularly used in Oregon influenced Christina Buckley, who recently strangled her eleven-year-old daughter to "protect her from sex offenders". Obviously, Christina was successful, and will somehow be made into a victim (given she's an able-bodied white woman living in Oregon), but what's funny is that no one's asking if Governor Kitzhaber, Representative Michael Schaufler, the corporate media and the DOJ's hysteria over "SEX OFFENDERS" is actually causing more chaos, and distracting the dumb downed population from the real perps... Because that's the intention!
Okay, so it didn't work out for Dom as we planned, but he's not completely off the hook either. And there's that other woman in France who was raped by him, probably. Would have thought someone besides Alex Jones and the American Freedom Radio crowd would have thought it was strange a wealthy man like this staying in a New York hotel room, costing $3,000 per night, wouldn't order a hot escort if he needed some sex? Maybe that's what he did! The news reported "He charged out of the bathroom naked. and attacked the maid" Really? It's so easy to find a woman in America who for a few bucks, or just vengeance, would be willing to help us destroy the lives of these sleazy liberal, activist, whistle blowing, socialist types...
Let's just be honest, unless you fellas are working for the relevant class and carrying a gun or a law book, you're screwed! First you got the "gays", who have been persecuted for thousands of years for their sexuality, and who have no problem pointing a finger at those perverted straight guys! But we don't discriminate, all men without money or influence are targets. Then you got all those angry American women who hate men and blame them for everything that's wrong with the world. Then you got your suck up, opportunistic men from the phony-left who just want to 'get some', and always are the first to start ranting about "women's rights", even if it's against their own best interest as a man. Than you got your authoritarian, angry creepy talking heads, who just as soon start phase VIII today and be done with all of you.
Although, can't really blame John Walsh. He must be very, very angry and hurt deep inside knowing that his wife lied about only being gone from Adam for five or ten minutes, and saying that she was shopping for lamp shades and nothing else. And was only a few isles away. the time line, the store diagram and her interviews suggest differently. Just imagine, the Adam Walsh Act that targets men accused of a "sex offense" was created by Mark Foley and George W. Bush. There's something perversely appropriate about that, given Toole's multiple erroneous confessions and the lack of any physical evidence (The police lost it!). Think about why someone else might not want the body to be found, and what it might reveal... Explain why didn't Toole tell them where the body was if he wanted to confess on is death bed and cleanse his soul? Hmmm....
Imagine you were in our shoes, as a member of the 'relevant class' where nothing matters and you can have anything or anyone on earth you want ... Wouldn't it make more sense to get two older kids to shuffle off a slightly younger child to a parking lot and quickly shoved into a van before they could grasp what was happening. "The kid is thinking, But your my friends! You're hurting me!" As they fade from consciousness.
You'd think there be more suspicion around the thousands and thousands of missing kids in America over the last dozen years. Over 150 just from Oregon and Washington. Hey, let's blame men (without money for a real lawyer) and call them "perverts" or "boners" and vilify them (unless their worth more than a cool million)!
How do you suppose Kyron Horman got out of that school without anyone knowing? Hmmm... Had an adult took him out, someone would have probably noticed, don't you think? And come on, would he really have been willing to leave the building with a stranger no matter what they promised. Yet, kids believe kids. And there are some very, very mean and nasty little kids out there who will do anything (and say nothing) for the right reward- But a group of two or three excited little kids hoping to find some tree frogs in the woods, to complete Kyron's school science project, wouldn't seem out of place. And slipping out a side door wouldn't be that strange or remarkable...to any eye witness- Yet, not a thought about this possibility in the media...it's a real hoot to us! Yeah, but let's crucify those pervert sex offenders now! To hell with a trial before your peers or facing your accuser! Guess that fluoride is really working, along with the corn sugar, and the nutrition free food, and the great American brain shrinker (network corporate TV)-
Well, I do hope to share more with you, but if not, best wishes if we don't happen to speak again. It's hard to say what's next. but I've enjoyed sharing these inside clues about the future (the coming eight phases) with the few of you who are able to read more than 140 characters , and who aren't literally glued to the tube (Got to love digital TV and those hidden subliminal messages!).
Like I said I would be more apt to be softer on a newer officer however the shells come in two different boxes are two different weights and two different colors. Having firearms training and a brother who is a cop I can tell you this is nothing short of operator error on an extreme level, and honestly i don't buy that it was a "accident"
So where was i wrong in any of what i said, in this thread at least?
It makes no logical sense at all.
Human error seems much more likely.
Easy on the conspiracy theories. Save those for Spindles.
I don't think this pig is too worried about his job. He ought to be, but he isn't - and with damn good reason. How often has a cop lost his job here for murdering an innocent, un-armed civilan? It happened ONCE, last year, months after the fact, and after intence public outrage. And even that pig is now collecting thousands of dollars a month in unemployment, while his sorry ass tries to get his job back.