News Jan 22, 2014 at 4:00 am

KBOO Reporter Crafts Terror Trial Docudrama


"The FBI agents are personally motivated to get convictions."

Of course they are; and firemen are personally motivated to put out fires.

"Were you excited he took the bait?" "Yes."

I would be excited, too, if I was helping to put someone who wants to try to murder hundreds of people behind bars. Does their excitement make him any less guilty? He took the bait. He pushed the button. He had many chances to back out, but didn't. Just because he was helped along by 'peer' pressure doesn't mean that he gets a pass.

The tape recorder fuck-up and the bullshit note to the 'bomb maker' don't exactly scream honesty and integrity, but, again, in the end the dude PRESSED THE BUTTON, and that's enough.
Joe is doing a great service to the Portland community in writing and producing this radio play. The Mohamed Mohamud case is a complex one. I can understand how many people are glad he's in prison (though still awaiting sentence). After all, he was willing to push the button that would have killed hundreds of people if the bomb was real. But there was also a great degree of entrapment on the part of the FBI. It's very possible, even probable, that Mohamud would never have gotten to the point of pushing that button without the FBI's very eager prodding and participation.

So far, no public transcript of the trial has been released. Until that time, Joe's script might be the most accurate account we have. I suggest everyone listen and decide for themselves.
I am looking forward to listening to this radio play. There is never a reason to ignore possible scenarios in every situation that involves government agents and possible terrorist activity. Drawing a "line in the sand" and drawing conclusions based on what is printed in the news or on news broadcasts often obscures much of what is alive in a court process. To have the notes from the courtroom as the basis for the radio play gives some solid footing for this production. What a gift to those of us who live out of the area and yet can stream the play. Thanks to KBOO for putting this play on the airways.

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