
If Kitz keeps this up, he's gonna lose my vote...
I'm all for a new bridge, but only if Washington State pays their fair share.
Frankieb, I think the stumbling block on the Washington side was the inclusion of light rail to Clark College. I, for one, don't understand why they chose CC as the destination. Why not go out to the fairgrounds, with a stop at the train station and a stop at Hazel Dell. Also, if I read things correctly, it would only save a couple minutes over taking the bus. Hardly worth it.
When will politicians get elected that will actually fucking listen to us when we say, NO! or STOP! (????)
Answer: When all the idiots die.
Portland's insistence that the replacement bridge include light rail created a conflict between the proposed light rail line and existing river commerce, as a fixed bridge low enough for light rail would block river access for economically important river users. Had the planners accepted that fact and removed light rail from the proposal, Washington would have kicked in a share of the cost and construction could have started next year.

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