Details are slowly emerging in the aftermath of this morning's shooting at Reynolds High School in Troutdale—in that we've learned, so far, that one student was shot and killed and that the shooter also is dead. As for whether anyone else was injured or whether the shooter also was a student? Officially unknown.
But here's something else that's pretty empirical: Since a gunman murdered 20 children in 2012's horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut, gun safety advocates at Everytown USA have tracked some 73 other school shootings over the following year and half. And Reynolds High School just became number 74 on their list.

That's almost one every week. And this list only includes shootings at schools and universities, and probably undercounts the real total, because it's cobbled from media reports. NPR reported in January, meanwhile, that mass shootings everywhere are on the rise. We could talk about bulletproof blankets. Or sensible gun laws.