
Standard price for one gram of top shelf dispensary pot is $10.
Depending how you define "street price" (and which street you're on) .... according to this source it ranges between $10 and $15 per gram.…
I live a block away.. when it gets down to street prices I'll pop in now and again. Nice to see something that could potentially bring more folks up from south of the river.. now if there was just a reason to keep folks there once they get the pot. music venues, weed lounges, etc!
still, $25 a gram??? You can get 1/8 oz. from a CA dispensary for that price.
Top shelf herb is $150/ oz on the street in Portland. That's $5.36 a gram.
OPB's "Think Out Loud" host, Dave Miller was there, asking some of the dumbest questions you could imagine. Surprised he didn't talk to you.

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