
This is the end game of Amanda Fritz's inept handling of the zoning issues at play. By issuing a letter from the City that essentially made homeless encampments legal in certain zones, she has opened up a process where the City can decide to create or move these encampments to areas and tell local neighbors and businesses that they can't do anything about it because... zoning. Never mind that that's not how zoning works. There are all sorts of review processes during the land use phase that allow for community review and feedback.

At the end of the day, we will have R2D2 II next to a billion dollar rail line, and as the neighborhood starts changing around it, we'll be right back where we are today. Somehow, the City has gotten into its head that this is an acceptable way of dealing with homeless issues - moving tent cities and ensuring that zoning allows it to be ok. How humane.
"Well regarded" - huh?
So, i guess that idiot Mubarak has turned up after he mysteriously disappeared awhile back, alarming his wife greatly.
What a guy.
The lesson learned: If you build an illegal tent camp and make a big stink, the City will spend countless hours and a million bucks buying you property and hooking up services.

This could not have been handled in a worse manner in terms of creating precedent and future problems. Including a fooking letter from the city arguing (wrongly) that these types of camps are allowed in any commercial and industrial zones across the entire city. (I can't believe that we actually have people on public payroll that we supposedly pay for "legal advice" like this.)

If Mubarek has a brain, and it sure seems he does by the way he plays the entire city like a fiddle, he will move over to this new plot, get everything set up, and then create his next illegal camp downtown. Maybe on the same parcel?

Fritz: please Google "perverse incentives."
At least he's not a bitter whinging troll.

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