
Jihadis WANT to be martyred, because since they are nerds who can't get laid anyway, they figure that the hundred virgins awaiting them in Heaven ought to make up for lost time. Maybe he will have better luck in prison?

Text: I wonder ... where Allah gets all the virgins. ... what heaven will be like.

Description: A would-be Islamic martyr and a Catholic nun (Saint Teresa of Avila as painted by Peter Paul Rubens in 1615) each take a moment to wonder how a few details of their faith actually work. Taken together, the conclusion is obvious ... isn't it?
Hey, I have some questions ...

Why were multiple warnings by Russian investigators to the FBI about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, warnings that came as early as 2011, ignored? Did it have something to do with the very likely possibility that the CIA was using him as an asset to travel to Russia’s Caucasus region and make contact with US-backed terrorists?

Why did the FBI feign ignorance over the identity of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the appealed to the witless public to help them “identify” and “find” the suspects, despite being in contact with them for years.

And what were all those Craft International private security doing directly around the scene of the explosion, before the explosion, several photographed wearing backpacks that looked a whole hell of a lot more like the backpack that held the detonated bomb than the backpacks worn by the Tsarneav brothers?
OK. Thanks for your unsolicited opinion, Shelby.
AGREED. The state should not be allowed to kill - period. The victims will have no closure and we'll spend over a million dollars on him before (if) he is killed. No one benefits except the prison system.
And Totalitariland, everything on every blog ever is unsolicited opinion. Why are you reading?
Wow, is this journalism? Looks more like propaganda.

On another note. Can't wait for the new documentary (T)error to come out. Haven't heard of it? You should probably check it out. It follows an FBI informant set out to radicalize an American Muslim. The filmmakers also reach out to the sting subject as he begins posting on Facebook that he believes he is the target of an FBI sting despite not being interested in the FBI informants ideas.…

Glenn Greenwald shared a tweet on an article recently the man said to be wary of the government trying to radicalize young and mentally unstable Muslim men. Who are the real terrorists in those cases?…
Help me understand don't support the death penalty, but you think he should have been allowed to die without due process? Yeah, deciding how and when other people should die is pretty fucked up any way you look at it.
"Wow, is this journalism? Looks more like propaganda."

You expected something different from the Mercury?
The PatRIOT Act is about to expire. Let THAT die.
if you don't care, why did you write this?
Too fucking true.
The Portland Police Department says that they weren't in on the gag, Black Friday, when the FBI entrapped that troubled Somali kid, Momo, what's his name.

I was at Pioneer Square, and there was a shit load of cops on the scene. It was scary as hell. Why couldn't the FBI have kept the kid in the van and have him push the fake remote control detonator without terrorizing Portlanders over the Thanksgiving holiday? They knew there was no bomb. They knew the kid was un armed. Why did they need to make such a big show out of it all?

That was the point.

The FBI & Portland Police Department, Joint Terrorism Task Force of Homeland Security, are the real, terrorists, trying to make Americans cower and run to government for protection. The right thing to do would have been to get the kid counseling, before he ever got too, extreme.
The lawyer made a weak defense. He pleaded entrapment, but it was much more than mere entrapment. The entire idea of blowing up Pioneer Square was that of the Feds. They groomed him, even brainwashed him, by feeding him hateful rhetoric to actually encourage him.

It's not as if the kid built a bomb and the FBI disarmed it, and then let him try to detonate it. The FBI designed the fake device and thought up the venue and holiday occasion and convinced him to take action so that Portlanders could be terrorized instead of spared.

The lawyer is an Officer of the Court, who condemned his own client with faint praise, just like all Public Defenders, invariably do. Mohammad Mohammad deserves a proper appeal, along with compensatory and punitive damages, and Homeland Security needs to be "splintered into a thousand pieces and cast to the wind," as JFK said he intended to do with the CIA after they lied to him about the Bay of Pigs, before he was shortly thereafter assassinated.
DHS caught busing in illegal Somalis from Mexican border

Immigration official: 'Asylum' is the new password
Published: 2 days ago
Appeal, Hell, it ought to be declared a mistrial. Let's not get too far afield, though. The Boston bomber is most definitely guilty. Just like O'bama and Hilarity are for killing the US Ambassador to Libya and four heroic, special forces soldiers in Benghazi, by arming Al-Qaeda and ordering backup to stand down.
I might have had a "field day" with this if you'd done a better job of explaining what exactly you were trying to say here.
Do you see what's happening? Homeland Security is creating a threat, by enabling immigration of terrorists and instigating terrorist acts for them to perpetrate, so Americans will voluntarily relinquish freedom for security.

At the same time, the defacto President from Kenya, raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, who worked for the CIA while in college, now sides with neo-conservative Republicans to create a multi-national government to override the US Constitution and American Sovereignty, in defiance of his own, Democratic party.

Furthermore, he intends to provide further support for Al-Qaeda and ISIS in order for them to combat Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria.
The death penalty is a continuing stain on our country. But I guess I'm not surprised.

A federal court ordered the government hand over more than 100 pages of previously secret documents that showed then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior Obama officials were given reports within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack. In those memos, the DOD described details of a plan 10 days in advance “to kill as many Americans as possible.”

The plans for attack had nothing to do with a provocative YouTube video by an obscure filmmaker, which the administration repeatedly blamed for the attacks.

The memos show the Obama administration knew about ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria several months before the November 2012 election.

Two-and-a-half years after the attack, Judicial Watch was finally able to obtain the memos by suing in federal court.
Oh my god, really? You don't believe in capital punishment but you can't understand why he stood trial? How does that work? How is that even possible?

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