Everyone knows that most cars in Portland these days don't run on fossil fuels but rather are powered solely by their owner's sense of self satisfaction...
In the mean time Hale and his friends on council allowed 4,000 Uber drivers the further crowd the streets and spew exhaust. OK, to be fair, that might have had something to do with the 10 Uber lobbyists who have unfettered access to City Hall.
why would you block transport, manufacture or storage of a common fuel source when, the commerce of your entire city, region and country rely on that very resource? the absolute wrong tree is being barked up here. wouldn't you want fuel to be centrally located and distributed? its still going to need to be shipped in by roadway. having central facilities might actually reduce on road trips and congestion. worrying about potential environmental degradation is fine but that's why you have contingency plans in place. you don't stop producing hay because you are afraid of setting the barn on fire....
why would you block transfer and distribution of the most common fuel source your city, region and country rely on. environmental degradation is an absolute concern but you don't stop processing hay because you are afraid of setting the barn on fire. fuel will still need to be processed someplace and transported by roadway back into the city. so basically a giant buck is being passed and some other town is assuming any possible environmental liability while we continue to rely on the resource??? that makes no sense. wouldn't you want the fuel source to be centrally located. that might actually reduce on road trips and congestion too.
what's more troubling is where the fuel in Portland is currently stored. all that land in industrial NW heading north up hwy 30 to the st. johns bridge holds 90 percent of the state's petroleum storage reserves. its also basically built on top of a sandbar. any giant earthquake and in one fell swoop that soil will liquefy and the whole states gasoline supply will be washed down the river. that's a much more catastrophic scenario then a train tipping over. were talking million and millions of gallons a much more volatile substance.....relocating that fuel to a safer local location should be a substantially larger priority...