
I just read that Michael Bloomberg will make an independent run for president if Sanders wins the nomination and faces off against Trump or Cruz. So there really is very little chance of Sanders becoming president.

I like Bernie, but we have to be realists and keep the GOP out of the White House for as long as possible...the Republican Party is self-destructing, don't throw them a lifeline! (if I may mix my metaphors)
Dammit Todd, don't you dare be sincere. Especially when it's just another one of those "Bernie's awesome and all, but let's be practical" tropes.
Oh Boy.
If we had a 6-3 progressive majority on the Supreme Court, I might say "throw that democratic socialist hail mary pass!" But may I remind you that we have a 4-5 progressive minority on the court? And that if we lose one more, it'll be 3-6? That's not a trope, it's a clear and present danger.
You have to ask yourself, am I and my family better off after 30 years of Neo-Liberalism and crony Wall Street capitalism? Is America?

The Legacy of Reagan and the Clinton third way has just about ruined this country. Liberal Democratic aspirations are now what used to be the Republican party's platform.

In a quest for Wall Street campaign donations the Democrats have moved so far right they have driven the Republicans even further to the right. And the country into the ditch.

The Clintons have been bad for Democrats, bad for democracy and bad for the American worker. They don't fight for the American working class as the Democratic party had done for a hundred years. The Clintons decided to follow a new path, the so called third way. Rather than address Reagan's ending enforcement of the Sherman antitrust act and the fairness doctrine, his doubling of payroll taxes while cutting the top marginal rate, massive defect spending on a hugely increased defense budget, and doubling of the nation debt which had been paid down to just 35% of GDP. All failed policies in hope that trickledown economics would make things better for the average American was wrong. We had these ideas before.

So I jumped for joy when Clinton was elected. And what did I get? Something even worse. Triangulation. For more than two decades we have tried "triangulation" not just as a strategy but as a philosophy. What has it gotten us the Republican party has moved further and further right and the Democrats have been right behind. I say no longer will I be complicit in watching my country be dominated by transnational corporations and their neoliberal agenda. Triangulation is strangulation. Not standing up for what we believe has led to the boiling frog syndrome. The water is hot. Time to get out before it boils. Time to vote for Bernie Sanders.
Todd, Bloomberg is unlikely to run:

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