
Let's see. The Bullseye Glass people meet Ted, listen to what he says, and believes he would make a fine candidate for Mayor. They donate $750. After they are targeted as the likely polluter in SE Portland, Ted Wheeler says what everyone else is saying, which is, "WTF, DEQ?" And we're supposed to believe that this is, what? An inappropriate response to the situation, because he got a whopping $750 from the people who own Bullseye? Merc, your reporting on this issue has been great so far, but this is lame.
I don't know, this seems like fair game. They made the donation and Wheeler has since given it back, so it's obviously an issue. It's not what Bailey would like it to be, but it is a story.
"It's also worth noting McGregor's contributions came before she or Schwoerer knew about the potentially dangerous emissions"

There's the Merc's credibility, going right up the chimney.

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