
We pray all will go as planned and it will help to develop the city as they are telling us.
PDOT is a nightmare of incompetence. I am all for raising taxes if it will improve infrastructure and services, but that just isn't the city council's track record. East Portland is designated so little money for repairs and safety improvement projects its criminal. Snow removal costs are unrealistically expensive (Remember Steve Novick's 300 mil snow removal estimate that turned out to be 70 mil??? For snow!) in comparison to other major cities. And priorities seem to be chosen at random by a chicken on a bingo board that only has inner portland on it.

We shouldn't have given them a raise in their allowance while theres still dirty dishes in the sink. At the least we need to hold them accountable to get more bang out of out buck.
Um, guys, we have a street car, so, you know, problem solved.
Remind me again why you excluded diesel?

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