What is the sergeant's name, Merc? Obviously, the public should know as the sergeant is a public official, and this could be detrimental t their public interactions with said officer in the future. Please name the offending officer.
"A Cop"?! singular?! (I probably have video of "a cop) Meet PPB ofc Wingfield Larry
I defend myself tomorrow morning Multnomah County Courthouse SW 4th Rm 450 8:45am https://youtu.be/qZw3OTiuZCE
#CopsLiesMatter Just ask any one of last year's parade of police chiefs, esp O'Dea who was forced to resign after lying to investigators about shooting his friend. Or ask his 5 top chiefs who were demoted for aiding in his attempted cover-up.
I hope our new Chief Outlaw will also put an end to Mayor Wheeler & Ex-Chief Marshman's use of advanced weaponry & random violence in crowd control to suppress first amendment rights. All those canisters, CS Gas & Sabre-Red-coated rubber bullets cost $$$, as do the ensuing lawsuits. Tourists, visiting moms, mainstream media and random bystanders are hit, legal observers manhandled, conscientious objectors kettled then tortured, street medics are targeted for abuse & arrest, while tax-paid Fire & Rescue medics stand with their backs to the wounded. All documented by brave folk like Benjamin Kerensa and other citizen journalists.
There are a lot of KKKops to be weeded out of PPB.
I defend myself tomorrow morning Multnomah County Courthouse SW 4th Rm 450 8:45am https://youtu.be/qZw3OTiuZCE
I hope our new Chief Outlaw will also put an end to Mayor Wheeler & Ex-Chief Marshman's use of advanced weaponry & random violence in crowd control to suppress first amendment rights. All those canisters, CS Gas & Sabre-Red-coated rubber bullets cost $$$, as do the ensuing lawsuits. Tourists, visiting moms, mainstream media and random bystanders are hit, legal observers manhandled, conscientious objectors kettled then tortured, street medics are targeted for abuse & arrest, while tax-paid Fire & Rescue medics stand with their backs to the wounded. All documented by brave folk like Benjamin Kerensa and other citizen journalists.
There are a lot of KKKops to be weeded out of PPB.