

Patriot Prayer often holds their rallies in Terry Shrunk Plaza, a federally owned park under the management of the General Services Administration (GSA) and subject to Federal Management Regulation 102-74.

There are numerous citations in the section on the occasional use of federal facilities that would indicate that Patriot Prayer (nor Antifa) should be able to hold rallies/protests in the plaza, including:

§102-74.390-What is the policy concerning disturbances?
All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from loitering, exhibiting disorderly conduct or exhibiting other conduct on property that-

A.) Creates loud or unusual noise or a nuisance;

§102-74.500-Can Federal agencies disapprove permit applications or cancel issued permits?
Yes, Federal agencies may disapprove any permit application or cancel an issued permit if-

C.) The proposed use interferes with access to the public area, disrupts official Government business, interferes with approved uses of the property by tenants or by the public, or damages any property;

§102-74.555-What rules of conduct must all permittees observe while on Federal property?
Permittees are subject to all rules and regulations governing conduct on Federal property as set forth in subpart C of this part. In addition, a permittee must-

A.) Not misrepresent his or her identity to the public;

B.) Not conduct any activities in a misleading or fraudulent manner;

C.) Not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, age, color, disability, sex, or national origin in conducting activities;


If Dr. Mojo will yield his time: there's plenty of case law regarding limiting the public speech venues of groups that encourage violence. And it would be very easy to show that this particular group foments riots every time they show up.

That particular ruling would seem to suggest that PPB's use of kettling isn't actually legal, though. In fact, you may wish to examine why it is that this white supremacist group is being offered so many chances, but pretty much any time anyone else protests in this town, they get brutalized.

As to the city not being able to do anything about it: fat lot of bullshit, and highly selective memory. The city probably shouldn't have been able to stop that developer from building a Wal-Mart on Hayden Island, but they did.


The author should be arrested for impersonating a journalist. Antifa, a radical left wing group of communists are recognized by the fbi as a terrorist organization. Dont misunderstand when I say radical, as they have the full support of the dnc and Democrat politicians. They bring weapons and in this case quarter sticks of dynamite to injure and maim anyone that doesn't subscribe to their failed ideology. Patriot prayer is trying to promote free speech, nothing more. Watch the videos, the mayor and the police dept should be ashamed of not protecting g a duly permitted event. Antifa has no business being there and of course had no permit


Complete joke article. No mention of Antifa. They are the ones who attack every single time. You attack a rally, they're going to defend themselves. The guy with the fractured skull you mentioned, it's weird you don't mention he was attempting to beat a man with a metal pipe when he got knocked out with one punch.


Patriot Prayer marched to support free speech. They are not a racist group. Calling them racist and fascist is just propaganda to demonize them. Nor did they March to create violence.
Antifa showed up to attack a peaceful protest. Antifa's intent is to antagonize and use violence. Ignorantly calling any one who is in the right a fascist, racist, Nazi. They have no righteous cause, they are low level troops for Communism. It seems the author of this article is an antifa sympathiser. Disgusting that anyone could support this terrorist group.


Guessing all three of you are the same guy. Let's deal with your lies in order:
You say that Antifa has "the full support of the dnc and Democrat politicians." I'm pretty damn sure they don't, but since you're the one who said it -not me- let's see some proof of that.

We've all watched this group of shitbirds do their thing; we're not fooling ourselves that Patriot Prayer is interested in protecting anyone else's free speech, but yeaahhh, keep peddling that one.

And last but not least: I don't think it's in any way clear that the author of the article supports Antifa. Most of us who live in this town know them to be just as stupid as what they oppose. What they have going is that they aren't as fucking awful as Patriot Prayer.

I'm tired of whiny villains. If you're a goddamn Nazi moron who shows up with Nazi imagery, Nazi tactics and Nazi rhetoric, you don't get to whine about being called a Nazi. So just own it, stupid, and don't expect the rest of us to trust you. You're not smart enough to run that level of con.

And no one on the left side of the spectrum has been serious about communism for a generation or two at least. The only people I know who consistently bring it up are also too damn dumb to know what it even is. Seriously, go fuck yourself and your half-ass arguments. At least once upon a time bigots were like Bill Buckley, and could actually put together a coherent argument.


no one on the left supports communism you have to be kidding right oh its socialism now sorry the writer feels the 1st amendment is a inconvenient. right maybe they will censor her article as im sure some people dont agree with it so the left hates the first.admendment as much as the second you are hypocrites. orwell wrote 1984 after fighting on the side of the socialist when you get power freedom is gone


Patriot Prayer did not go to Antifa. Antifa went to P.P. rally, not the other way around. Get it? The aggressors were ANTIFA!!! This article is prejudiced against CHRISTIANS.


Here's a novel thought, the cops could arrest Patriot Prayer members that they see assaulting people, and prosecutors could bring charges against those arrested instead of letting them walk. But that would require the cops and the State being a neutral party, which they are clearly not. Cops and Klan, hand in hand.


So look at what JeffBro and somebody pretending to be a woman wrote: one is a barely-readable run-on sentence that manages to conflate as much as it misrepresents. The other is more of the same whining that the tremendously dumb are likely to do when they notice no one likes them.

These are not people whose minds are going to be changed (Katie Herzog, take note!) by trying to reason with them. They are exactly who they represent themselves as; people who come in, shit on the floor and run like hell when you ask them to be specific or offer examples. "Just Fight Me" guy up there says it all: he knows he has no real argument, just endless rage.


Holy fucking shit when did this become the OLive comment section?

What I truly wonder is what their end game is. The "free speech" trolls have turned their interpretation of the 1A into a license to cause harm, whether physical, mental or financial. Yes, financial. There was a great article in the New Yorker recently about Milo and his trolling of Berkeley with the view towards bankrupting them by making them spend millions of dollars on security. These numbnuts no doubt are following Milo's lead.

They're not going to get away with this forever. The only result will be some sort of limitations to the first amendment (granted, unlikely) or at least policy. And this is why we can't have nice things.


"Patriot Prayer did not go to Antifa." Patriot Prayer charters small busses to bring people in from Vancouver. Joey Gibson is running for office in Washington, where he lives. Rose City antifascists live in Portland.

Therefore, Patriot Prayer comes to Antifa every time.


"Patriot Prayer marched to support free speech. They are not a racist group. Calling them racist and fascist is just propaganda to demonize them. Nor did they March to create violence." "

Patriot Prayer hasn't marched "to support free speech" in a number of years. They currently march to pick fights with Antifa. There is no message anymore. It's why people have peeled off since 2016 and attendance has dropped to the same cluster of folks over and over again.
"They are not a racist group. Calling them racist and fascist is just propaganda to demonize them." When you have members of Identity Evropa in your ranks and have guys from Hillsboro who actively call themselves Nazis (hispanic Nazi though he is), you're doing your own demonizing.
"Nor did they March to create violence." You aren't marching to put out a message or change minds. You come downtown in helmets and dress in shirts that say "good night Antifa." Your entire endgame is to fight with antifa, and they'll take you up on it every time. Meanwhile, the "normies" give Terry Shrunk Plaza a hard pass on weekends and know not to go to the esplanade when the guys from Vancouver in snowmobile gear show up.


I watched many of the videos on YouTube, and the violence was clearly incited by the anti fascist group who are clearly fascist. They threw the flash grenade into the prayer group. It's clearly visible in the video embedded in his article. If you search for what video of the man with he fractured skull you will also see that he clearly had a baton weapon and was attacking an unarmed man, who defended himself with only one punch. Lastly just google the antifa flag and see how it is nearly an exact replica of a nazi flag from the paramilitary wing if he nazi party during ww2! The author completely slants this entire article and fails at even identifying who the group was that incited the violence, antifa. Poor job on this one


Anyone who takes issue with the 'pesky' constitution, stating "the constitution gets in the way" is problematic AF. And a personal threat to liberty and the 1st Amendent. (someone in the comment section really said "1st Amendment trolls"?!?!? Smh.)

If you have an issue with the 1st Amendment, or any other part of the constitution for that matter, you're in the wrong fucking country.

Now, I admittedly know nothing about PP (but will be doing my research to find if any of these alt-right/fascist/nazi claims are true, though thus far I've seen no evidence to back that up).
Regardless, the video(s) clearly show them walking peacefully down the street while AntiFa waits. Then as soon as PP rounds the corner - boom - AntiFa, unprovoked, begins throwing explosives into the crowd. THAT'S when all hell breaks loose.

AntiFa are the antagonizers here and PP were simply defending themselves from unprovoked violent attacks. The evidence shows that cystal fucking clear.

If I'm walking down the street and someone becomes violently hostile with me and I then - and only then - defend myself... how the fuck am I then the bad guy in the scenario? That's not how that works. Ever.

This article is bias bullshit by someone who finds the constitution to be inconvenient. I find that sentiment much more threatening than a bunch of motley "patriots" taking a stroll once a year.

I feel it necessary to point out the irony of this author using their 1st Amendment right, unabashedly fabricating a false narrative, to call out a group who they feel should be stripped of the very right which allowed said author to post this anti-constitutional tripe (while supporting a group who incites riots as a way of life, no less).

That's so Portland.

If you wonder why "first Amendment trolls" continue to assemble here - in the name of the 1st Amendment - it's this school of thought which creates the need in them to keep reinforcing their rights in the first place.

It's not rocket science.

Back the fuck off and maybe they will.

But what do you do when someone sets aim at the rights you believe in? You fight back even harder.

You think they should adhere to a different standard simply because their idealogy differs from yours?

If that's the case, you need to read the constitution again (and again and again). The entire intention of it's purpose - for all - clearly went over your fucking head.


The same guy wrote two more posts under two more pseudonyms! Well, guy; you're incorrectly using the word "fascist" up there. Look it up.
Second, your First Amendment rights go all the way up to where you're preaching violence. It doesn't serve as a blanket justification of absolutely all behavior.
I continue to be amazed at how mad you are at the author. They only said there's a federal statute that the city thinks prevents them from tossing peepee from downtown. I think that's incorrect, but the author is at least somewhat making the "hey, it's free speech!" case. So what's you problem?

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