

Bad move. The law is simply a mandatory disclosure of a condition on property that people who lease, buy or even enter the building have a right to know. It is not a "scarlet letter." It is more like putting warning label on a potentially dangerous product. Information is good.


Oh look, it's Portland's "White Makes Right" brigade. Let's hear another paternalist screed about how it's just "the right to know" and is so urgent that we've only lived (checks notes) through the entire history of Oregon without it. Tell us another yarn about Christchurch and how people died. Sorry, but if the earthquake that's predicted is coming, people are going to die. Your seismically retrofitted buildings are going to be no match for what that temblor throws at them. If you know your drill, have your go bag and get going, you have a better chance of living regardless of the type of structure you're in. Also, if it's as urgent as White Henny and Her Pennys are saying it is, maybe Portland and Multnomah county should cough up and help building owners instead of trying to shame them into spending money. If you want to see Portland's unique breed of racism at play, follow this debate. The white supremacists in Vancouver and the burbs are garbage, but at least they're not as disingenuous as the folks pushing these placards.


Bottom line everything needs to be retro fitted or condemned. We need a commission to establish funds and make this happen. I don't want to see the black community harmed, I want to see rich white people to pay.


"we're all a little bit concerned about the safety of buildings we and our fellow citizens live, work, eat, and shop in." News flash, big guy: If you're in a building during "the big one," you're in danger regardless of how it's constructed. You live in the Ring of Fire. You have volcanoes in all directions and you're perched above a subduction zone. At some point, you're accepting the risk just by being here.

"I've already spent thousands retrofitting my personal residence as well as my rental properties, because even though it was very expensive and I would have preferred not to spend the money, it's 100% the right thing to do." How selfless of you to say so.

"If we want to establish a city fund to make it more affordable..." That's exactly the point. If it's so fucking urgent, it shouldn't be an issue. If we all pay for public transit and for road funding, we should be paying for this as well.

"add wanting to reduce the number of cops to the list of ways in which our most recently elected council member feels just fine lessening the safety of the general public she's supposed to represent." You have two groups of people in this town: Those who feel that the cops are there to help them and those who feel that cops target them. The latter likely feels safer with fewer cops around, and they have data telling them they're right.

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