Actually, that's a photo of the Federal Justice Center, the MultCo courthouse is still the old building next to the unfortunate Portland Building until the new one by the Hawthorne Br opens. TYVM! :-)
actually, I take that back, too; it is the County's 'Justice Center', i.e. JAIL. IIRC, it is also City Central Precinct PPB HQ.
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Will the new DA prosecute people who are caught on video torching the camp of a homeless person?
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Actually, that's a photo of the Federal Justice Center, the MultCo courthouse is still the old building next to the unfortunate Portland Building until the new one by the Hawthorne Br opens. TYVM!
actually, I take that back, too; it is the County's 'Justice Center', i.e. JAIL. IIRC, it is also City Central Precinct PPB HQ.
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Will the new DA prosecute people who are caught on video torching the camp of a homeless person?