GOOD MORNING, SUNDAY! It's the perfect time to catch up on some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! (PRO TIP: If you despise being "the last to know," then be one of the first to know by signing up for Mercury newsletters! All the latest stories shipped directly to your email's in-box... and then... YOUR HEAD.)
• Why Are Portland's Leaders Opposing Proposed Charter Reforms?
Portland's charter reform proposes many things, including reducing the power of elected officials. So it’s no surprise that some elected officials—and those who rely on those officials to retain power—have mounted a well-financed campaign against it.

A summer-closing show by the Summer Cannibals, new music from Snugworth, and info on an upcoming visit from the Dave Matthews Band—it's all in Jenni Moore's HEAR IN PORTLAND!

• New Seasons Workers at Southeast Portland's Seven Corners Market Vote to Unionize
Workers at New Seasons' SE Division store (aka Seven Corners) have voted to unionize, effectively forcing management to recognize their existence.

Thinking caps on!🧠It's time for another super fun POP QUIZ PDX. This week: Sassy-ass trivia Qs about crybaby cops, movies made in Oregon, and Portland's coming Chick-fil-A invasion! 🤯

• Updated COVID-19 Booster Shots are Available in Oregon—Here’s Where You Can Get One
Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are now available in Oregon for anyone ages 12 and up. Sooooo... what are you waiting for?

• Start Your Time-Based Art Festival Engines
Every September, TBA kicks off what many think of as the start of “art season” in Portland. This year is the festival's 20th celebration and the most IRL one we’ve had since pre-pandemic times.

• You're Wrong About Is the Podcast That Gets It Right
On wry, revisionist podcast "You're Wrong About," Portland Journalist Sarah Marshall works to unscramble our modern collective memory. "America has a real pattern of deep fondness for con artists and demagogues," she told the Mercury.

Leo DiCaprio’s very young gal pals, a Chick-fil-A plans to move into a Portland strip club, and Seth Cohen’s girlfriend Anna is a… terrible Republican?!? Line up, trash pandas, for this week’s messy gossip in... THE TRASH REPORT. 🦝 🗑️

• Portland Playhouse Returns to the Short, Local Films of Wonderland
Critic Chase Hutchinson puts the spotlight on Portland Playhouse—which usually produces theater, but are dipping their toes into cinema with their new short film showcase.

A group of 10 Portlanders with disabilities are demanding the city sweep all tents from city sidewalks to adhere to the ADA. Their lawyer also has a history with homeless sweeps.

• SAVAGE LOVE: School Me Once
SCHOOL'S IN! 🔔 And in this week's SAVAGE LOVE, Dan schools a teacher on getting laid (outside of school) without getting fired (from school). 🍎👩‍🏫

• Photo Essay: Organizers Call Inaugural Native and Indigenous Bike Ride a Success
The first-ever Pedalpalooza Indigenous bike ride was deemed a great success with riders coming from as far away as Arizona. Check out this sweet photo essay from Jarrett Werk.

WOW, THAT IS A LOT OF GOOD READIN'. I hope you didn't have any other plans this weekend! Dig in, and remember: Producing all this hard work costs moolah—so please consider contributing to the Mercury to keep it all coming! Thanks!