News Apr 29, 2010 at 4:00 am

Bus Tour Showcases Portland's Racist History


Uh yeah, dude. AND wicked stupid.

Did the Civil Rights movement kill your dog or something?
I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm, not racism.
Three guesses as to whom those Laurelhurst gates were intended to keep out...
It can be sarcastic AND racist, which I think it is. I am certain, however, that it isn't funny.
Precisely. No amount of sarcasm could make Bath Time's comment anything but offensive and moronic. Hey Bath Time, here's an idea: why don't you take your thumb (that's the opposable digit on the innermost part of your hand) and stick it in your... No wait, here's a better idea: Move to Arizona.
What a bunch of unimaginative and self righteous responses.

You guys totally missed the point of my little joke.

Which itself was kind of off topic from the you're right on the money!!
Good job.


Bath Time!, I reported your comment. I don't care if it is supposed to be socially critical, it's obnoxious and offensive.
@ dimaq05.....could it be Koons, Kykes and Katholics? I'm all for keeping Katholics out of EVERYWHERE!!
oregun1, sure Bath time's comments were obnoxious, and un-funny, but I've seen more offensive. I think you should cut him some slack, these comments didn't have that hateful kernel that would make them truly offensive. Besides, you can't go reading the comment section of the weekly paper with thin skin. people are going to type things that they'd never say in person.
- - - - - - - - COMMENT - - - - - - - -

People who take great pride in being easily offended...sincerely get on my nerves and seem like self obsessed drama queens to me.

But more important than that they show a real lack of curiosity and tolerance of other people's opinions. Especially when it's needed most.

Sarah Mirk...I'm sorry for taking comment section attention away from your well written article. It ties the past instances of racism in Portland with policies and beliefs that, sadly, are still with us. And I thought it was well written. Good job.

To me, understanding WHY people are racist (what fears trigger that. Is there a basis for those fears? HOW do we talk someone down from those entrenched beliefs? Should we try? Etc...) is crucial to keeping that bus from continuing to roll along. Just saying 'Booo racists!' or banning racism from public discourse doesn't solve anything. It's still there...just festering away.

Anyways, I'm sorry if me and my obnoxiously unfunny, cowardly-racist-bullshit-ANTI-humor comment stood in the way of anyone's otherwise relaxing, hilarious experience with the ol' Port Merc!

Really, sorry if I offended you.



I thought that one of the Internet's best uses is that people can openly discuss things they wouldn't dream of admitting in public? The inner shadow gets some exercise, the ID is let loose. We can then see what's inside us and others. We can have open conversations we wouldn't dare air in public. (Oh my fucking God I'm clever! 'dare air'? Genius.)

what's funny to me is that my pathetic little joke where I attempted to lampoon white guilt and poke fun at the question of how to make up for racism without being more racist... is just the tip of the fuckin' iceberg!

We haven't even begun to delve into the meat and potatoes issues and I'm already getting flak.
(where's my flak catcher?)

Issues like:

~ What is the difference in preferring one *culture* to another...and racism?

~ Is cultural / racial diversity worthless if we are expected to like every spice and flavor equally?

~ Is white pride more racist than black pride?

~ At what point will affirmative action no longer be needed?

~ Does racism only apply to thinking that one group has inferior / superior genetics? what about hair? music?

~ Can minorites be racist? Or is that bias specific to the dominant culture?

~ What about the fact that we've ALL had racist thoughts sprout up in our minds.

~ Is that even true??

~Why not?

~ Does asking questions like this, or seeming 'obsessed with race issues' make someone a racist?

~ etc.

Maybe to some the topics surrounding race are boring & obnoxious. Shallow, simplistic. What the fuck do I know?...maybe the topics are great but my delivery and handling of them is horrid and tedious.

Escape is always a mouse click away.

In other words, my lack luster comedy and boring 'racial' commentary is worth what you paid for it.
Go figure. We'll see where this goes from here...if anywhere.

Anyways, it's been fun, I always enjoy defining my beliefs through online commentary!

Be well, enjoy life!
Learn to laugh at stupidity, as I sometimes can do ...and the world will be endlessly entertaining.
Or so I've heard.

Wow, I can't believe I just spent a fucking hour and a half on this!!
And you just wasted 5 minutes reading it! hahaha!
I don't even want to THINK about the issue of race for a few days now.
Yes, I'm sure if not for racism, blacks would have been flooding into cold, gray, and rainy Portland.

Does the author even realize that this type of stuff went on - and worse - in other parts of North America? This article is yet another attempt to make non-racist whites feel guilty for the sins of long-dead people.
I think thats the job of the tour. The article just points out whats happening I think.
I don't know what "Bath Time" originally said that got his comment removed, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Once the Merc. did this article, it was very VERY predictible that the on-line article would be hit by some racist douchebag.

what the hell are you bitches arguing about? I cant find shit on the internet about racism in portland except by the god damn mercury! Thats because portland's racism is entirely glossed over. I appreciate these tidbits. It's good to know that this state is as much of assholes as the rest of the states. And you bitches and your sarcasm arguments.... jesus. Theres a time and a place. Really. Stop being dickheads.
Can't find anything about racism in Portland?
Who are you kidding?

Or is this another 12 year old that 'reads' the Portland Mercury...and expects to be educated from it?

Here junior:…

Amazing ...isn't it?
Yes, it's true... Portland was not always the eco friendly, sustainable, Prius clogged, cycle commuting, craft beer brewing, indie rock hippie town we've come to know over the past two or three decades. This place has a seriously dark past, and not just where black folk and the Klan are concerned. Once you start digging around in the historical accounts, it gets pretty fascinating, pretty quickly. Check out a book called "Portland Confidential" for an interesting look at P-town's history of vice...

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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