News Dec 4, 2013 at 4:00 am

Park Rangers' Union Fight Is Part of a Bigger (and More Expensive) Battle


Let's face it the whole park ranger thing should be cut unless its to keep Forest Park somewhat safe and checked in. The rest of the parks should be handled by regular law enforcement and Forest Park is out there on its own and needs ancillary coverage.
Imagine how much money the citizens of Portland save on having Rangers deal with the park issues rather than the high paid Police Officer. There is a lot of things that the Park Rangers do that the majority of Citizens realize and they do it with a soft approach compared to the heavier hands of Police interactions. Police do not have time for the smaller crimes and issues in the parks and they would just be ignored. Rangers are needed in this City.
Jeff Lee, if there are so many problems in the city parks that require it's own squad are they really doing their jobs?
Eliminate the Pig Department, and let the Happy Rangers have the gig for awhile.

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